oh baby

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TW: abortion talk, depression, self harm, crying

Fem Atsumu

(Inspired by true story but changed for the sake of story and not to disrespect the victim of this cruelty, also no dialogs.)

When Atsumi and Kiyoomi were married they were just 20 years old, everyone told them that it's too young but they were madly in love with each other. They were the happiest couple.

They didn't have a child immediately and waited for a while, they wanted to love each other to the fullest first and then share that love with the being of their love. The pregnancy was accidental tbh. Both weren't ready but the news made them the happiest ever. They promised to love and cherish this small being forever.

It was during their 2 visit to the doctors that they found out that the fetus was dead, they wanted to abort it but abortion is illegal in the place they live (no name of the place will be taken, you guys can decide where they live). It broke Atsumi inside, she had her baby inside but before she could even feel it, it was taken away from her. It made her want to cry and scream. Want to cut her stomach open and pull her child out. Kiyoomi was no better. Not only was he mourning for his lost child but also was dying inside looking at his wife. She was breaking and he couldn't anything to help her.

Around 6th month Atsumi stomach was big as a football and everyone who didn't know kept asking about how baby was and if they could feel it. Oh how Atsumi wanted to scream at them that the child is dead, it won't ever more,it's forever going to be still and won't move at all. She had watched many videos of pregnant women and this was the month the baby starts to move. God knows how many times she woke up in middle of night to see Kiyoomi looking at her stomach and caressing it as if waiting for a movement. Just a small one and when it never came he would burst out crying. She knew he was suffering too but kept it to himself to support her.

It was 8th month when they went for a check up and given a date for surgery, it was going to be a quick one considering the child was already dead. Listening to the doctors words made them want to vomit. Want to scream and crawl into a corner and just cry and cry and cry.

On the day of delivery all of their family was their showing condolences and praying for Atsumis safety. Kiyoomi was inside the operation room to support his wife. He saw them open her stomach and remove a child. The child was so still, it was blue and didn't move a bit. It was torture to watch but he needed to be besides her. He can't leave her or she'll kill herself and he knows that.

The child was still and was quickly put in a bag. After the hospital stay the remains of the baby were given to Atsumi and Kiyoomi to mourn over it. The whole this traumatized them to no end and giving the child in hand was breaking point. The damn finally burst and they started crying and sobbing loudly, their friends and family could do nothing but give a shoulder for the mourning couple as they held hands and mourned together.

It was 5 years after that they conceived again and this time everything was normal. The child was healthy but the fear was there. They were so scared right now too. They cherished the child and were always afraid for it to die.

So yeah this is based on a true story ik but I changed the entire story tbh. The couple really want through trauma but it was worst then what I've written here. Now important question

What's your thoughts on abortion ban?

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