Poll results and schedule

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こんにちは bitches!

(Yeah I used Google and copy paste so if it's not Kon'nichiwa then attack Google and not me😃)

So the poll ends today, thanks for all the suggestions. From what I've gathered the first story I'm supposed to update in the smut one where yall gave me kink recommendations.

Anyway, so when I was counting the kinks and also doing research on them it turns out I've been give a number of 19 kinks in exact. So as much as I would love to add all this kinks in one chapter it's not possible as it clashes with the BDSM rules a lot.

So instead of doing that I'll use the kinks which was recommendat by individuals and give them the credit and this was a total of 4 chapters will be made about this.

The first chapter would be updated tomorrow. I'm extremely excited about this cause I'm overwhelmed with the amount of love and support you guys have shown this poll cause usually readers don't bother with polls.

Also I don't know what to do with the chapters which were not vetted for at all so please let me know if I should update them too or yall just didn't like the idea. Once again thanks for the support!

Love yall🥺💜

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