Should I continue???

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Hey everyone!

Long time huh!

So when I first started this one shot story I was like 17 and and new to the Haikyuu world. And even tho its been over 2 years, I still love getting notifications from you guys and I love reading how people are adding this story to their albums or coming back to the story or just new readers discovering this one shot book.

I'm now 20 and still love SakuAtsu dearly. I follow many fanfic writers and I still read a lot of SakuAtsu stories.

I was recently re-reading this one shot and realized a lot of things which I have written are either wrong information or written very much childishly (as a 17 year old teenager would write). So I was thinking about writing another SakuAtsu one shot with better writing style (now that I have improved💀) and better stories.

So if you're interested or if you think it's a good idea, let me know. If you have any ideas which you would like me to recreat then let me know!

I hope to see you guys soon again!💗

Lots of love

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