My Love~

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This was a rather lazy day for the couple. After months of playing and practicing finally the volleyball season was over. Now they had time to relishe in gentle silence of each other.

While Atsumu and Sakusa were one heck of a chaotic couple, they absolutely cherished small moments like this together. Moments where instead of loud screams asking where the clothes or objects are, it's only gentle whispers of love. Moments where they can just hold each other and relax into the warmth of their love. 

Currently they were in the kitchen. Atsumu cooking and preparing things for their dinner that night, cold soba. While Sakusa prepared the Miso soup along with ice to put in the dipping sauce. It was just a gentle, precious moment. Both working in silence and the only sound around was of the utensils.

"Omi can ya pass me the strainer?" Atsumu asked. His eyes not leaving the boiling pot of soba noodles.

"Sure my Love~" Sakusa said in while looking through the drawer. He found it and gave it to Atsumu, who quickly strained the noodles and put them in for a cold wash. Sakusa then came behind Atsumu, his arms wrapping around the small waist of his Darling.

Sakusa sighed in contentment while Atsumu looked behind and gave him a quick kiss.

They quickly took the prepared things to the dining table and started eating. Nothing other than the noises of slurping of noodles could be heard. But they did not need to talk, no they wanted to enjoy each other's silence. Just enjoying each other's company. After all after 3 weeks their hectic schedule will start again.

"Love pass me the soup please." Sakusa said. "Here." Atsumu passed him the bowl of soup.

Later that night while cuddling Sakusas hand slowly glid under Atsumus shirt. While it was going upwards it halted just before he touched Atsumus chest. Atsumu whined a little. He looked at Sakusa who was asking for his consent. With a quick nod and the consent given Sakusa started kissing the blonds neck. Leaving paper light kisses everywhere. His hand touching and teasing Atsumus nipples while the blond massaged him through his pants.

"Omi~" the blond whined again. His voice desperately for more.
"Shh let's not hurry and enjoy this." Sakusa said in his deep voice. Atsumu stopped whining.

Sakusa then took both of their clothes off, laying Atsumu on his back while he rummaged through drawers for lube. No condom here but its consentual and both of them have already tested so they are clean.

He lubed his fingers with a thick coat of the lube and went near Atsumus hole. Atsumu was gripping the sheets in anticipation for the pleasure to come to him. Sakusa slowly pushed one finger in, moving in around and stretching the blond. He slowly started second finger which made the blond moan softly.

After the fourth finger and preparing Atsumu throughly Sakusa removed his fingers from inside of Atsumu. He took a pillow and put in under Atsumus waist to support him. He gave Atsumu few more light kisses. Both of them making out and just hugging each other while basking in the love.

After a minute or two Sakusa slowly entered Atsumu, stopping a little to let him adjust to his size. They might have done it countless of time but the muscle near the anus could still break if they didn't take proper precautions. Soon he bottomed out and just stayed still.

Both looked in each others eyes, the eyes which were filled with love, passion and lust for each other. Sakusa slowly took Atsumus hand and intertwined their fingers together.

(Credits to the artist btw and also CHOKEMENISHINOYA for showing this picture to me)

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(Credits to the artist btw and also CHOKEMENISHINOYA for showing this picture to me)

He started moving. Both panting and kissing each other. The hands hold each other as tho promising to never let go.

After 5 minutes both came and just stayed still hugging and whispering sweet nothings to each other. After 30 minutes both got up to get a bath. The bathtub was getting filled while both stood naked in front of the mirror admiring the love marks they left on their lovers body.

After the bath was filled Atsumu added essential oil (jasmine scent) and bath salt. Both of them rinsed of and sat inside the bath.

Atsumus sitting against Sakusa, his back against his chest. Both of their hands intertwined.

Sakusa kissed Atsumus hand and said, "I love you my love~" to which Atsumi smiled and kissed Sakusas hand, "I love you too my love~."

And that's how it was, for the next three weeks. Just the gentle love and nothing. No frustration to wear off or drunk sexepition. Just pure love, trust and lust.

(Hope you guys liked it! I thought you guys deserved a fluffy smut after the angst I dropped. And considering I haven't written a Smut this was the best thing I could think of. Let me know if you guys liked it or not!)

Fun facts for guys btw!

1. Drinking hot water with honey added in it can help you with sour throat.

2. When walking alone always make sure to make it seem like you're talking with someone on the phone. This will lesse the chances of getting attacked.

3. When alone always hold your keys between your thumb and index finger, just like you hold a knife. This will increase the impact of the hit when you get attacked. Holding it between middle finger and ring finger lessens the impact.

4. When dealing with a fire which includes oil, don't put it directly under the water. Put a lid on the container instead. When dealing with patrol related fire, put soil on the fire. When dealing with electricity related fire, first turn of the source of the fire by using a wooden stick. This at times will stop the fire immediately but if not immediately call for help or use a fire extinguisher.

5. Never click on accept without reading the terms and conditions. Those are important. Sometimes you can even get scammed without knowing it.

6. Never go after a child claiming they lost their parents. Call the police or take the kid to police station. Human traffickers use small children to lure women towards quite areas and kidnap them.

That's all for today! Hope the tips would help you in the future!

Love ya💜

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