lets talk

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Yall better read this or jmma whoops you asses!

So as much as I hate to not make an actual story and write this notes I see it as important. I was actually going through my dm's and comments. My setting and I found out that most of my readers not even 15. This intrigued me and made me think, "am doing the right thing by writing sexual things for this children? Should I stop?"

Okay get this straight. I'm 17 and I've been raised in an extremely close minded family, not that much but close enough to be close minded. I found my love of reading at the age of 15. And my love for reading was seen at the age of 13. I didn't know how to read till the age of 9.

So as I was going through this setting I thought, "why should I only teach them about sex Ed when I can teach them more. More things about things they need to know." So here we go guys.

So from today onwards I'll start leaving a small tip/fact or information you guys need to know about.

For today we will discuss r*pe.

First of all, can we stop glorifying R*pe romantically. I was going through my library and came across this one book in which the protagonist is r*ped by their love interest and then is forced to live with them and soon starts falling in love with their r*pist. R*pe is r*pe no matter how you try to justify it. If a person has not give consent to any form of sexual activity being initiated then its r*pe.

I know the person who wrote it might not be even like 15 year old so that's why I wanted to say it. Other part of this 'falling in live with your r*pist' genre is that then the protagonist tries to change the love interest. Trying to bring good in them. NO. NO NO NO UNACCEPTABLE. You in any form are not liable to change a fucked up person. Period. I've seen even my mom try to adjust to this r*pe culture and its fucking disgusting.

Another thing, I've noticed a lot of you having problems with your dad. (Dont call it daddy issues.) So hers a tip. If your d*d is going to attack you make sure that you have enough room to run away. If he tries to run after you don't go in a room. Run outside the house. If your father runs after you yell "IM ON FIRE" and people will help you. If your father is verbally abusing you, as much as I don't want to say this but to make sure no physical assault is done either just ignore him or block out his noises. A recent thing I've started doing when my dad starts yelling at me is that I would just start talking about random topics. This distracts him. If situation gets out of hand immediately dial child helpline number. Not the police but child helpline number as they will trust you more than police will.

If you have any type of trauma related to this topics then you can DM me. My DMs are always open for people to talk or rant. Also you're not burdening anyone by sharing your problems.

Thanks for reading guys💞

Love yall💜

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