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UwU my readers. Today we are here to list the things which my parents have said while emotionally fucked me up.

(You can comment yours too, I'm looking forward to extremely less comments but be truthful. You can also rant about how you're feelings and don't worry, if you write at the top "don't read" or "I don't want anyone to know about this" I'll delete that comment for you 😉.)

Let's get started~

1. I hope you die

Ahh the classic, doesn't care what I feel like or if my feeling are hurt as long as he is happy. Fuck you too dad~

2. I don't care about your feeling or I don't want to hear!

First they will say that they don't care what you feel and then when you detach yourself they start to complain about it.

3. You have gotten fat

Well you should look at yourself first then talk to me. I'm doing whatever I can for my health. I get if that you're worried but you don't have to point it out in front of so many people.

4. Mother fucker or in my language (madarchod)

I think that's you dad but go off ig🙄💅

5. Slut or in my language (randi)

Talk to me when you stop watching those porn sites and stop having affairs🙃

6. *talks shit about each other in front of me and then compare me to the bad side of each other*

Why tf did you marry each other if you hate each other so much?!

7. You're a failure

So? So what? I'm a failure and many people. I might have failed once or twice but don't have to insult me like that. You failed a lot in life too, saw me complaining.

8. You give me mental anguish

Same dude same🤡🤚

9. Get out of my house

Fine but don't complain later

10. *talks shit about my mother's side family and then tries to teach me how they are bad and I should not meet them*

Ffs they are my family too, I love them. I have spend my entire childhood playing and growing up with them. You can't just take my childhood away from me. They are the only happy memory of my childhood, rest was destroyed by you constantly fighting with the neighbors and then their kids bullying me.

11. You'll never be successful or you're a fucking failure


12. I don't care about you


13. I don't love you


14. I hate you or why are you in our life


15. _________ does better than you, why can't you be more like _________

Cause im not......him

16. You've destroyed my life

...well your behavior is not going to make it any better.

17. You never listen

So do you

18. If you weren't ever born then I would have been successful in life.

.....Sorry ig

19. I had such a bright future but then I got married and had you, now I'm stuck here

Yea...h sorry

20. At your age other kids are doing much better and you're doing nothing.

I'm trying....

21. Why can't you be talented like other kids.

Sorry for not being the other kids....

22. You can do so much better in life if you do as we say

What about my dreams?

23. You're useless

. Maybe I am...

24. You're nothing, you're zero

I don't even know what you mean.

25. I wish I had a better daughter

Sorry for not being the "perfect" daughter

26. Your skin is too dark

That's my natural completion and that's exactly how your colour is

27. You're so simple and naive

If only you didn't force me push myself away from you, you would have know how my actual personality is like.

28. There's no such thing as depression. It's all in your head.

....OK boomer💀🤚

29. No man will ever like you if you behave like this

Who ever said I want to be liked by a man😐 also tell that to the guys to dm me everyday🤢

30. And the Most traumatizing thing ever said to me was that

If you don't behave ill send you to boarding school.

Thanks now I have attachment issues and hate getting attached to people😁

31. *gets sexually harrased* it must be your dream

🤡 your genius makes me want to die.

Ayo this were more than I expected. I thought it would end at 15 or sum💀🤚

Anyway I'm committing suicide, anyone wanna join😩
We are doing this shit in Dazai Osamu style🥵

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