Wedding II

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(This is part two of previous story and contains smut. So if you're uncomfortable which I know you arent, you can leave and come back when I post fluff or angst or sum.)

Next morning when Kiyoomi woke up he found himself in an completely unfamiliar room. He looked besides him and saw his boyfri- wait no. His husband. Atsumu Miya was now Atsumu Sakusa. His husband. His and his only. (Chill dude. He ain't your property🙄💜)

He looked at Atsumu and relished in the moment. He took in the scenery in front of him. Atsumu's golden hair was shining due to the light coming from the huge floor to roof window in their penthouse. He can't believe Iwaizumi bought them a whole penthouse just to propose Oikawa in a special manner.  Well ngl if it was for his loves sake, he would have done the same.

He once again took his eyes back to Atsumu who was still asleep peacefully. He was absolute beautiful and innocent, and maybe that's what got Sakusa's dick excited.

He looked at their window and imagined how it would be like to fuck Atsumu while he is pressed against the window, the fear an adreline of someone catching them.(I know I know that window sex is an old thing, but it's too hot to resist not writing about it😣)

He decided to prepare few things for their wonderful start of the day before they have to pack up for their honeymoon flight tonight.

He went to the bathroom and started preparing the bathtub for after they are done, he got the lube out and took the Condome boxes out too. It was XLLL size. Perfect. He went to their room and started heating it, wanting an steamy atmosphere to start coming. They won't use toys today, he want his first sex with Atsumu after marriage to be vanilla, he want Atsumu to feel the love, he want to make love to Atsumu.

After he was done he went in the living room and started waiting for Atsumu. Although he was already half hard he wanted to finish with Atsumu so he waited.

After about 3 hours more Atsumu finally woke. First thing after getting up he remembered yesterday. Today was his first day as Atsumu Sakusa. He smiled to himself bitting his lips lightly. He noticed that Omi was not in the bed and knew that he must be making breakfast. He went in the bathroom and started brushing his teeth and clean up.

Sakusa heard noises from the bathroom and knew that Atsumu must be cleaning up. He took his t shirt off and kept the lube and condom boxes on the Condoms out on the bedside table.

Atsumu came out and saw Omi sitting on the bed top less and saw the condom and lube. He knew things were going to be steamy now. He went upto Kiyoomi and sat on his lap.

"Can I?" Kiyoomi asked.

Atsumu nodded slowly. Kiyoomi kissed Atsumu. The kiss was slow, passionate, loved and full of lust. But it wasn't rushed. Kiyoomi started moving his hand under Atsumus tshirt and started caressing his belly. Atsumu lets a small gasp in the kiss when he felt Kiyoomis hand move upward.

"O-omi~" Atsumu moaned when he felt Kiyoomis cold finger touch his nipples. Even when the room was warm kiyoomis touch was extremely cold.

Kiyoomi stopped kissing Atsumu and moved to kiss his face. Forehead, eyes, nose, both the cheeks, lastly a peck on the lips and he started moving towards Atsumus ears. He kissed the shell of his ears and Atsumu let out a barely audible gasp.

He kissed behind Atsumus ears and then started sucking on his neck, leaving hickey, while simultaneously pinching, caressing, twisting and tugging at his nipples. Atsumu let out another small moan and started sucking on Kiyoomis nape too.

"Omi~" he moaned again.

Sakusa removed Atsumus t shirt off and started kissing and sucking his nipples. Atsumu threw his head back in pleasure while pressing kiyoomis head to his chest. To make sure he doesn't fall Kiyoomi wrapped his hands around Atsumus waist.

After around 10 minutes of playing with both of Atsumus nipples Kiyoomi let go. Atsumus nipples were red at this point and he had bite mark on his chest. Atsumus expressions tho........they were a whole new story.

Droll was coming out of his mouth, his eyes rolled to his back, he was panting and chanting "omi~". That's what Kiyoomi liked even more about Atsumu. He becomes wasted in sex and behaves extremely submissive during times like this. Atsumu was nevertheless a pillow princess, just the Sakusa Kiyoomi sex toys. He doesn't do anything other than pant, moan, gasp, cry and scream Kiyoomis name.

Kiyoomi moved Atsumu a little so he could remove both of their pants. They didn't wear underwears last night cause they already knew that they would be at it, as soon  as they wake up. He removed Atsumus pants and then his own. He took the lube from the table and squeeze it on his hands. He slowly started jerking Atsumu off.

Ahhh~ omi~ more more faster please!

And who was Kiyoomi to not obligate. He started jerking Atsumu faster but stopped before he could find his release

Omiiii~ whyyyy!? Atsumu sobbed.

Shhh love, I'll make you feel good but be nice little princess for now.

Hearing this Atsumu stopped whinning. He took the lube and poured it on Atsumus hole. He put his one finger in and Atsumu was a putty in his hand, second finger in Atsumu was squirming around, third finger in and Atsumu asked him for more and on the fourth finger in he screamed Kiyoomis name out in the most lustful voice.

Ahhh my love look at you. So small, so beautiful. I'm so lucky to have you. Laying here like a good princess for Master to do his work. (Praise kink anyone?)
Sakusa said. He stared at Atsumu with love filled eyes before taking a condom and ripping in open. He slid it on his XLLL Sized dick and put lube on it. Not giving Atsumu to think he thrusted inside him.

Atsumu blabberd.

Anyhow baby! How are you still so tight. So hot and so soft. Taking me so well. Sakusa clapped back.

He slowly started pulling out and thrust back in. He soon found the the prostate and started hitting it. Slowly he started increasing his speed. Now he was full on snapping his hips and thrusting inside Atsumu.

Ahhh~ hah omi~ ah ah ah oh my God. Ohhhhhh ah yeah rig- right there. Ohhh ack sksv faster harder.

And sakusa did as told. He started hitting harder and faster. Soon he changed the position wrapping Atsumus leg around his shoulder. After Atsumu came for 5th time Sakusa came for the first time.

"I hope you don't think this ends here." Kiyoomi said throwing away the condom.

"Of course not. Come here and fuck me till I can't walk." Atsumu said seductively and that's exactly what Sakusa did. They went on for atleast 16 rounds before stopping and packing for their flight. Atsumu couldn't move so Kiyoomi did the packing.

To their private flight Kiyoomi had to carry Atsumu cause he couldn't walk. When they got in the plane they did it again 8 times before taking a rest and sleeping.

(Whew atlast it's over. I'm excited to know what y'all think of this story. Let me know if I need any type of improvement.)


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