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It was the day. The day Atsumu and Sakusa forever longed for. The day they truly become each others.

It was the day Sakusa would see the love of his life walk slowly towards him, each step promising an amazing future.
The day Atsumu would forever be his and he would foever belong to Atsumu.

It was the wedding, the wedding of the most beautiful and mismatched couple ever.

Atsumu was in a White suit walking towards the alter, his Father escorting him. While Sakusa was at the alter looking at the love of his life smiling brightly at him. Holy did he just fall for his love all over again? If you ask him he would answer yes. He did fall for Atsumu again.

Atsumu looked at his soon-to-be husband. The Raven was on the alter looking at his with such a fond look. Atsumu remembers the starting of their relationship. It was hard for both of them but they stuck together and are now here, tying each others fate up.

The wedding hall was in a church, the pastor was the Father of the church smiling brightly. He has seen many wedding but this one was unique. Unique why? Cause all the famous people ever were here and they all were wearing the happiest smiles ever. Not ever has he seen everyone smile in a wedding, there's always someone not smiling but here it was like everyone relishing in the happiness that the Blond and Raven were emitting.

All their high-school friends were sitting in the seats smiling, and silently wishing them the happiest life. Osamu was next to Atsumu, he demanded that he escort Atsumu. Both Father and Son got in the argument till it was decided that both would be escorting Atsumu to the alter.

By the time they reached alter it felt like forver. After a few threats for not hurting Atsumu they finally let go off him. Sakusa took Atsumus hands in his own and kissed his knuckles.

"Today we all have gathered here to witness between two souls created by God all mighty. Sakusa Kiyoomi, do you take Atsumu Miya as your lawfully husband?" Pastor asked.

"Yes, I do." Sakusa replied looking at Atsumu in the eyes.

"Atsumu Miya, do you take Sakusa Kiyoomi as your lawfully husband's?"

"I do."

"Do you both have your vows?" Pastor asked.

"Yes we do." They both replied

Sakusa started first, "Atsumu the day I saw you, you were the most annoying person to me ever, but as time went by I came to know how understanding you are. You were always understanding and patient of my condition. You always stayed strong besides me. I don't know what I would ever do without you and I don't even want to think about it. You are my Sun, my world. Having you in my life is the biggest blessing ever. I love you forever and ever till the day I die."

Atsumu cried a little but started saying his vows in a chocked up voice.

"When I saw you, I thought that you were the most handsome jerk ever. In the start of our relation I couldn't even imagine us here standing here and professing our love to each other. And yes I'm glad to for not giving up on us but I'm also glad and thankful for how you decided to change for me. The fact that someday I would touch you was literally impossible and im glad that we are here today. You are not just my world but at this point the reason I want to be. I love you, my clean freak." Atsumu said and everyone chuckled a little the nickname. Everyone was in the tears at this beautiful union.

"You may kiss each other." The pastor said while smiling brightly and praying to God in his mind that they stay this happy forever.

The reception was eventful. While Atsumu was supposed to throw the flowers he turned around and gave the flowers to Oikawa. And at the same time Iwaizumi kneeled behind him with a ring. Oikawa turned around was in tears. He hugged Iwaizumi and kept saying yes and how much he loves iwaizumi.

While the everyone was focused on the Newly engaged couple the Kiyoomi and Atsumu sneaked out and went to the hotel penthouse Iwaizumi booked for them in return of this whole engagement show.

As soon as they entered they threw themselves on the Bed. Too tired from the wedding they just decide to freshen up and go to sleep.

 Too tired from the wedding they just decide to freshen up and go to sleep

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(Should I make Smut of this? Like a continuation smut?👀)

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(Should I make Smut of this? Like a continuation smut?👀)

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