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Atsumu and Sakusa lived in a well off neighborhood. Being Pro- Volleyball players had its advantages. Not to forget all the modelling offers, brand ambassadorship, deals and financers gave them a lot of money. Atsumu being the No. 1 setter got a lot of deals too. No wonder they live in such a rich neighborhood. Their neighbors were all rich people but none of them knew about Atsumu and Sakusa living there as everything was done in secret. Buying a house together also meant that they can have all their dirty fantasies together. They did all the filthy seggs in every part of their house. Atsumu never keeping his voice down thinking that no one can interrupt them was a plus for Kiyoomis libido. 

Being two horny peoples neighbor is  hard. You hear screams and moans at any time of the day. No guarantee when they start fucking. But mostly being neighbors of Horny couple is confusing. So much that you sometimes have to call the police on them. 

Meet Yamamoto Kaoru. The guy who has the misfortune of being neighbors of SakuAtsu. He doesn't know what they do the whole day but most of the time he is concerned due to loud screenings. One day Yamamoto couldn't take it and called the police. 

Operator: Hello 119. What's your emergency?

Yamamoto: Hello I'm calling from **** colony. I can hear loud screams from my neighbors house. I think its domestic ab*se as I can also hear slapping noises along with loud thumps.

Operator: Okay sir, we are sending some officers to check on that house.  Please stay on the line till the dispatchers reach there. 

Yamamoto agreed and kept checking from his window. The noises were still there but the slapping has stopped and instead loud screams were heard. This made Yamamoto worry even more. He had never seen his neighbors but really hope that everything is alright. Soon the police cars pulls up and knocks on the house door of his neighbors. He informs the Operator and hangs up.

Now meet Sawamura Daichi. He the police officer who has the displeasure of knocking on the said 'ab*sive' neighbors door. 

When Daichi knocked first no one opened nor responded to his knock. The noises were still there with occasional thumps. After knocking two more time he saw the door open and in front of him stood his ex- team mate and Kouhais new Team mate and the famous Spiker Sakusa Kiyoomi. Wearing nothing but boxers and dripping with sweat. Daichi decided to ignore it and started questioning.

"Sir, we got a call that someone is screaming and getting hit in this house. We have to check the house." First Kiyoomi denied it saying, " What bullshit. No one is being hit here." He was stil panting and breathing heavily.

"Well either you let us check us now or we will come later with official letter for full house check." Hearing this made Kiyoomi scrunch up his nose. But he let them in. Maybe being found out like this would turn him on even more. Daichi checked every room in the house till he went towards the basement. And there he saw, a room filled with various sex toys and in middle of it was the No. 1 setter and face of MSBY Black Jackals, Atsumu Miya in his naked glory. Hands and legs tied to each post of the bed and large hand prints on his thighs. Hickeys and bites on every part of his body as he squirmed around with a vibrator up his ass. He still hasn't noticed them. 

Daichi ordered Kiyoomi to free him. Kiyoomi quickly freed Atsumu and gave him a quick after care while Daichi and his partner went to sit in the living room. Soon both came out wearing normal clothes and Atsumu was red as tomato while Sakusa was expressionless you but could still see a little red near his cheeks. Daichis partner questioned Atsumu to make sure if he is really not being ab*sed. Atsumu conformed that he was not being abused at all and everything was consensual. Soon both the police men left and as soon as they sat in their car they burst out laughing. After calming down they contacted the concerned neighbor that everything is fine but didn't tell him why the loud noises were coming. 

Next day Atsumu and Kiyoomis lawyers came to the neighbors and the policemen's door and made them sign NDA as they did not want this news to be leaked to the media. It could destroy their image and cost a lot of deals for them. Later that month they moved away to a more secluded area, again in complete secrecy and never could forget this. 

Later in December when Christmas came and Hinata invited his old team mates for the MSBY party, its safe to say that Atsumu and Sakusa couldn't even look at Daichis way and made sure to stay away from him. Later that night Daichi came to them and reassured that he or his partner wont tell anyone about the incident.

 The neighbor till this day doesn't know who was his neighbors who were making loud noises and if someone was being ab*sed or not. Bless his poor soul that he never finds out.

(Lol I hope you guys liked it. This story was inspired by a reddit post I saw and it was so hilarious that I decided to make a story out of it. I'll try to post more but currently I'm busy with my college admissions.  )

(Also I want you guys to know that Afghanistan is in a dire situation and is being neglected. Please try to donate or spread news about them. Taliban has taken complete control over the country and their own president has abandoned them. Women and little girls are getting raped and also taken their rights away. We cant do much but atleast we can try. )

love ya💜

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