I was depressed

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i snova zdravstvuyte (hello again)

(I'm back lmao. So this are the kinks recommended by Cantfindapassword. I'm so sorry for the delay of your request sis.)


Cross-dressing: it's when a person dresses in a way not common for one's gender.

Acting/role play: when during the session a different kind of roles are played for the stimulation eg. Master/slave, police/criminal, Daddy/Baby.

S&M: basically sadism and masochism. Where one partner likes to inflict pain for pleasure and other likes the pain.

Public sex: Having sex in public places.

Humiliation kink: this is the kink where a person likes to be humiliated during the session.

Onto the story.

Atsumu was getting ready. Today he and Kawa had decided to go on a double date with their boyfriends. It was decided exactly 7 days ago and he remembers the bargain he had with his boyfriend to convince him to come to this double date.

Flash back brought to you by Me. Cause this is my story and I need attention.

"Common Omi-omi it would be fun. Just you, me, Kawa and Iwaizumi." Atsumu pouted. He had been trying to convince Sakusa for past three hours to agree to this double date. Iwaizumi was ready to go but only if Sakusa said yes.

Sakusa rolled his eyes and turned to his boyfriend. "Fine but only if you agree with my demands." Atsumu being extremely eager nodded his head.

Sakusa nodded and said, "1. You'll wear whatever I tell you to wear." Atsumu nodded. He knew Kiyoomi won't give him something embarrassing as he did not want attention from the media. "Give me a verbal answer baby." "Yes yes I'll wear whatever you Omi~".

"2. You'll wear a vibrator." Hearing this sent a chill down Atsumus spine. He knew exactly what happens when he is made to wear vibrator in public. It ends up in the play room and then boom he can't walk anymore. But it was a risk worth taking. He will be in the play room one way or other anyways. "Yes I'll wear a vibrator too Omi~".

"3. You'll do whatever ask you to do." "Yes I'll do that Omi."

Sakusa smiled and said, "Fine we can go then." Atsumu jumped in victory and kissed Sakusa who turned it in make out and make out was then continued in bed-

Present time brought to you by present mic screaming at the top of his lungs.

Atsumu looked back at his reflection. He was wearing a dress which had a slit down his legs. It was maroon in colour and looked absolutely hawt on him. He had already worn the vibrator and had kept the remote in his little purse which he will give to Sakusa later.

He checked the time and went towards the entrance. He opened the door to see his boyfriend outside. They both kissed each other once as a hello and locked the door. They started walking towards Sakusas car which was a Tesla.

Sakusa opened the passenger side door for Atsumu and held it for him. Once Atsumu put his seat belts on he went towards the driver's side and got in the car.

"Give it to me." He said. Atsumu without saying anything gave the remote to Sakusa who kept it in his pocket.

After 30 minutes they reached the Cafe the double date it going to be at. As soon as Kawa saw Atsumu he ran towards him and hugged him. They both bugged each other and after 15 seconds both flinched and stepped away from each other (iykyk)

Throughout the date Sakusa would keep playing around with the remote and Atsumu would be squirming around trying his best not to be noticed. Oikawa was not in any better situation and looked like he was going to scream any second. They cut the date short and as soon as Iwaoi left the Cafe Sakusa took Atsumus hand and dragged him outside the Cafe. They kept walking till Sakusa pulled them into a abandoned alley way between two buildings. It was the only clean alley he could see. He pulled Atsumu to deepest part of the alley and slammed him against the wall.

Aw baby you were being such a good puppy suppressing your voice for Daddy. You looked so cute trying not to moan. My little slutty baby. Sakusa said while his hand moved towards the zipper of the dress. He pulled it down and the dress fell down from Atsumus shoulder. Now Sakusa could see the lingerie bra and panties Atsumu had worn the entire time under the dress.

Such a good slut aren't you. Wearing a lingerie bra for daddy. Did you and Kawa plan the whole date just to get fucked huh." He said while pinching the nipples. Atsumu moaned softly. Sakusa then made Atsumu turn towards the wall on the alley and started twisting the toy inside of him. Atsumu kept moaning. He soon removed the vibrator and thrusted his dangli dang thing inside Atsumu.


G-green ah~

Sakusa then started thrusting again. They went on for like 20 minutes and somehow no one noticed them. Sakusa then quickly dressed Atsumu back up and started walking towards their car while carrying Atsumu.

Once they reached home Sakusa quickly made Atsumu take a shower. Baby I want you to clean yourself throughly and be ready for your Master.

Atsumu blushed and went to take a shower. He came outside and sat near his masters leg. Come on baby. Suck me off nicely and cleanly. Atsumu did as said. All this while Sakusa halfway through took his hair in fist and started face fucking him. Atsumu started feeling tear in his eyes but was loving the feeling. Sakusa was turned on by the tears in Atsumus voice and started going faster. After 10 minutes he came and took a minute to breath. Atsumu was wearing a maid outfit. Sakusa quickly pulled him on his lap and started fucking Atsumu. They kept going for 30 minutes. After they were done Sakusa did the after care and cuddled Atsumu.

If yall haven't noticed yet, this story had the last part rushing that's cause I forgot to write it👺 I actually thought that I've already posted this chapter and forgot to complete it. After I didn't get any notification for this chapter I came to check and dayuuuuum. I fucking rushed so much that I forgot to write this  completely and nicely😭😭😭😭😭

I'm so sorry to person who recommended the kinks and this chapter. I've failed you😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I shall repent.

Anyways thanks for reading

Love yall💜

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