Happy Birthday Daddy~

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Today was Sakusas birthday. And Atsumu wanted to give him a gift, a special kinda gift😎.

Ahem for the context Atsumu and Sakusa have been dating for 3 years now and every year both do something special for each others birthday. Sakusa gave Atsumu a Dimond promise ring on his birthday but Atsumu knows that Sakusa does not like materialistic things, so he made his gift more special then ever.

Time skip to the morning of Sakusas birthday brought to you by Atsumu saying Urusai~

Sakusa woke up to an empty bed, he got up and went to get freshen up. In the bathroom after doing his routine he got out to see Atsumu sitting on their bed, sitting on his knees (🧎‍♀️like this) in a fuckimg maid outfit, with all the toys they have in a box next to him. Atsumu blushed shyly and said, "Happy Birthday Daddy~ would you like to eat breakfast or......me *winks seductively*"

Sakusa was hard af, but wanted to play along and said, "how about breakfast first and then the main course?" Atsumu blushed and got up. He took Sakusas hand and guide him towards the kitchen. He brought both of their breakfast and kept it in front of Sakusa who was now sitting in his chair. He was about to pick up the spoon to eat but Atsumu beat him in it.

Atsumu took the fork and knife and sat on Sakusa's lap. He cut a small piece of the Pancake he made and brought it upto Sakusa's mouth. Looking in the birthday boys eyes he fed him. They were extremely close to each other. Atsumus chest going up and down due to how much sexual tension they created. Sakusa took a strawberry which was on top of the Pancake and brought it up to Atsumus mouth. While taking a small bite the strawberry a little juice fell on Atsumus collarbone. Sakusa looked at him straight in the eyes while licking the juice off of his collarbone. (Changed it😃)

Atsumu let out a small gasp at the feeling of Sakusas lips on his chest.

Sakusa could smell the the warm spell of Cinnamon on the blond. He always smelled beautiful, and delicious.

The breakfast was eventful, Atsumu grinding on Sakusa while feeding him, Sakusa enjoying it all while thinking of ways he could take Atsumu over and over again till Atsumu is crying and screaming in the bed for mercy, which he obviously won't get.

Sakusa made Atsumu straddle him and started feeling his things and butt.

Ahhh~ Omi~

My love you look so beautiful, so delicious. I want to eat you up and leave nothing left. I want to take you so bad rn,I wasn't you to beg for me to stop and cry my out everytime I take you. Sakusa said in seductive way.

(Wtf is this shit. I'm writing this dialog so why am I getting the fucking goosebumps-)

Sakusa slowly pulled on the zipper down and let the top part of the maid outfit fall down. Exposing Atsumus chest. He started kissing around his nape, collarbone, chest and then lastly his nipples. He sucked on them first and then started bitting, pulling and twisting them in his mouth while his others hand went up the dress and started carresing Atsumus hole. He felt a little plug on and pulled it out.

Wearing butt plug for me baby? How naughty are you. Getting all ready for me like this, all beautiful. Such a beautiful whore you are. Atsumu moaned loudly at the degradation filled praises he got.

Sakusa slowly got up and went upto their bedroom. All while he kept looking Atsumu in the eyes who was red and panting. His chest heaving up and down while his nipples erect and red from the abuse.

Upon reaching the room he laid Atumu on the bed. He didn't remove rest of the Tsumu was wearing cause he thought it would be seggsy to Have Seggs with Atsumu with clothes on.

He went upto the box and got the lube, Condoms (yall already know his size🥸) and few toys. He got the handcuff and cuffed both of Atsumus hands to the head post. He got a nipple clap and clapped it on his nipples

Ahhhhh~ omi omi more~

He got a rope and tied Atsumus legs in such a way that they won't close. Atsumu tried to close his legs but it wasn't possible. He got between Atsumus legs and started eat his bussy out. All while looking him straight in the eyes😳

Ahh ohh ugh ah o-omi yes yes oh God yes like that. More omi please more. Faster please ahhhhh ohhhh God ungh i-i ajanam amgh ufhk

After Sakusa was through done he said, stay still baby. I will take care of you my love~

He got the lube and condom. He wore the condom and spread only a little amout of lube on it. He knew Atsumu like it rough. He lined himself up and started pushing in


Atsumu legit screamed. Sakusa started rocking his hips hard and fast. He was so fast that Atsumus body was rocking up and down with each thrust and whole bed rocking with it. Now being a sports player has few advantages of its own😏

Ahem back to the mf story.

After around going at it for 20 minutes Atsumu and Sakusa came. Sakusa removed the nipple clap from Atsumu. Atsumu thought that they were done but he was wrong. Suddenly Sakusa pulled the end of the rope cause Atsumus legs to open in a different angle.


Sh we are not at all done for today. Lile I said,I'm gonna claim you till you're begging for mercy.

Atsumus eyes widened in surprise as Sakusa wore a new condom after throwing the previous one and entered him. He was faster and harder this time then previous round. He kept snapping his dick while Atsumu was literally screaming and crying in the pillow.

After 40 min he came and pulled the rope again opening the legs in a different angle. Was Sakusa even exhausted? No he wasn't. He entered Atsumu again and fucked him harder then already. Atsumus wrist was red from tugging. He nipples were red from the Abuse Sakusa did on them. His thighs, chest, neck and stomach was filled with bite marks, huge hickey and his legs was in such an angle that they were in air with the rope being the only support. His left leg was extremely stretched and his butt was red from all the snapping Sakusa did. Atsumus lips were red, his eyes had tears of pleasure and overstimulation and his mouth opened only when moaning, screaming and saying


This kept going till evening and the entire time Atsumu was tied and Sakusa was controlling each angle he would get fucked. And as he promised he claimed Atsumu so much that Tsumu was begging for mercy in afternoon which he didn't get BTW. Now you know how they went till evening.

After they were done, Sakusa removed all the toys he used on Atsumu and kept them aside to be washed later. He picked Atsumu and stepped him, he prepared the bath and showed both of them. After bathing and drying Atsumu was asleep and Sakusa checked all the hickeys and treated them. He changed the covers and got in bed with Atsumu. Just before he would completely sleep he heard Atsumu say," Happy Birthday Omi. I love you." He smiled and replied," thanks my love for the amazing gift. I love you too."

Due to exhaustion they fell in deep slumber. Next morning Atsumu couldn't walk but hey you gotta sacrifice something for something good to happen. Sakusa took care of Atsumu.

Atsumu couldn't walk for 1 month BTW. Press F in the chat for our lovely bee😔👩‍🦼

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