Wake up kisses

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Today was the day Atsumu has been waiting for, the day he and Sakusa gets married.

He was ready in white tux and a veil, getting a cold feet. Kiyoomi is supposed to arrive in 15 minutes and then they can get married. He was thinking this when suddenly the door to the room opened and Iwaizumi walked in," Atsumu come with me. I have to take you somewhere."

"But where?" He questioned

"Just come with me, we're going to Sakusa...." hearing this Atsumu quickly got up and went with him.

Inside the car he kept asking ," where are we going? Tell me." But no one answered so he stayed quite and just stayed silent.

When they reached the destination Atsumu was shocked, "why are we here? WHY ARE WE HERE!?" He asked again only to be met with silence.

Few hours ago with Sakusa

Sakusawas sitting in his car and driving towards the wedding venue. He was so happy that smile wouldn't leave his face.

He looked at the picture of him and Atsumu in his mobile phone that he didn't notice a truck speeding towards him, within a moment the car was turned over.

Komori who was in the car behind saw this and came running, he quickly called the ambulance.

Sakusa who was laying on the ground looked at the sky and the words left his mouth, I love you Atsu and with that he lost his conscious.

Present with Atsumu

Atsumu looked behind to see his friends and Komori crying. His brother tried to get closer but he ignored him and went towards Komori.

"Where is my omi-omi? Please tell me Motoya. " he begged.

Komori took Atsumus hand and started walking towards the room Sakusa was in, his parents sitting around him and crying. Looking at him Atsumu started crying harder while Sakusas parents came up to him and hugged him. Soon Atsumus parents came inside and hugged him tightly, everyone was consoling him while Atsumu was just standing there, looking at his Omi omi laying like a statue.

Soo everyone left them and Atsumu started crying and spoke, "Omi omi do you remember how you told me that you're not a morning person when we first moved in together and told me to give you a morning kiss to wake you up." Saying this he gave Sakusa a kiss. "Now wake up." Saying this he kissed his lips repeatedly but Sakusa didn't wake up because

He was already dead before even coming in the hospital.....

1 year later

After that day Atsumu was always alone but he knew that his Omi omi is always going to be there for him. Today was Kiyoomis death anniversary and Atsumu was going to visit him.

"Hey Omi-omi! How are you? How I am? I'm absolutely amazing! I just miss you a lot.......*sniff*........and guess what o-omi I adopted a Puppy. His name Hari and he is really cute and small *sniff* I miss you a lot Omi......why did you leave me? Why why WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY?!" By now Atsumu was full on crying.

He was sobbing when he felt two arms wrapped around him and knew that it was his Omi-omi~. He sobbed and leaned into the arms.

3 years later

Even after Three years Atsumu is not able to get over Sakusa. All his friends and family tried to help him but they couldn't do anything. He was in his car going to his therapist while thinking about Sakusa and that's when a Truck hit his car.

When Atsumu opened his eyes he was in a white room, he got up with a headache and started looking around. Suddely the door of the room opened and someone walked in. It was.........

Thanks for your support readers💜
Love ya💜

Sike bitches😈

In walked in Sakusa, his Omi omi~

Atsumu got up and hugged Sakusa and started crying. Sakusa hugged him too.

"I love you Omi omi."

"I love you too Atsu."

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