Little games....

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(P.s. this is inspired by a tweet I saw.)

Sakusa POV

I was sitting on the couch watching T.V. And Atsu was besides me. He was reading something on his phone really intently. I don't know what he is reading but it's getting annoying. Suddenly Atsu spoke to me, "Omi!"
"Yes Atsu?" I replied.
"Look at me." I did as he told.
"Now look at the T.V." I did it again.
"Look at me now." I did. I dunno what happened but he suddely smiled really brightly and kissed me.

Not like I was complaining or anything, but this excalated quickly transporting us to our rooms.

~Time Skip brought to you by people thinking that Hinata is innocent🤡~

This kept happening. Someday when we are doing nothing Atsu would ask me to look at him, and then something else and then again him. This process keeps going and ends up with him kissing me and making me horny.

Today I was hanging out with boys and told them about it. That's when Kuroo spoke up.

"I think he is playing little games with you." Kuroo said.
"Whats little games?" I asked.
"Well there's a scientific theory that when you look at someone you like your pupils expand and when you look at someone you hate they become small. Maybe he plays this game to see how your pupil reacts to you seeing him." Kuroo explained.

I blushed at this. That was so cute of Atsu. I think this is one game I never want him to stop playing.

And that's what happend. Everytime Atsu felt down or unloved he would play this game and would be reassured that his Omi Omi loves him. He even played this game at random times and Sakusa absolutely adored this times.

The sudden smile Atsumu would give, the way his mood brightness up everytime Sakusa looks at him. It was a delightful experience.

50 years later and someday Atsu would still make Sakusa play this game, while rejoicing that love is forever and ever going to be the same between them💜

50 years later and someday Atsu would still make Sakusa play this game, while rejoicing that love is forever and ever going to be the same between them💜

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