Break up

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Atsumu woke up to an empty bed. His Boyfriend of 5 years, Sakusa Kiyoomi was nowhere to be found. It's just same for like past 2 weeks now. For past two weeks Atsumu wakes up alone in bed, only with a note that his boyfriend will late at night. Sometimes he tries to contact him but the only answer he ever gets is,"Atsu I'll talk to you later. I'm kinda busy." And then Sakusa hangs up.

At this point, any sane person would think that their partner is cheating on them. But the thing is Atsumu Miya loves Sakusa Kiyoomi too much to get suspicious of him. He loves him so much that when Oikawa tried to make him confront Sakusa if he is cheating, Atsumu straight up refused any such kind of slander about his Omi-omi~

Many of his friends call this stupidity but he calls it love and trust. But now that trust is wavering a little with how Sakusa is behaving.

He doesn't pick up calls, leaves Atsumu alone for a long long time, doesn't contact him. It's seriously making him doubt things.

'Am I enough for omi? Did I do something? Is he no longer in love with me? Is- is he going to break up with me?' The last thought literally sent Atsumu in a huge panic attack. Thank fully his friends were able to help him through it.

He got up from bed and went towards the kitchen. He started making breakfast and was waiting for his Omis message. He waits for them usually everyday but today was different. Today was their 6 years of anniversary.

"Omi" Atsumu said which was barely a whisper. "Dont you love me anymore?" Tears started streaming down Atsumus face.

Now Atsumu has 2 options.

Option 1. Calls Omi and ask him where he is and confront him

Option 2. Be a good boyfriend and wait for his Omi to contact him first

Which option should he choose?

Atsumu choose Option 1. He picked up his phone and dialed the caller, "My Jaanu😷💞"

The phone ringed once.......twice...... thrice.......and then the it was canceled.

{The Number you're trying to call is currently busy or unavailable. Please try again later} the auto caller said.

Atsumu tried few more times but always the same result. After about 16 more tries Sakusa picked up the phone.

"Hell-" atsumu was cut off


A tear fell down from Atsumus face.

"Omi do you love me?" He asked through chocked voice

"Of course I do-" he was cut off by Atsumu

"Do you really? Omi I love you! I love you a lot! I love you so much that I'll die without you." He said full on sobbing now.

"A-atsu what happened!?" Sakusa asked worried.

"Please Omi! Don't hurt me. Please don't. It hurts so much when you leave me like this. It hurts to think that you don't love me anymore. I love you a lot omi! Please don't leave me. Please don't hurt me omi cause it hurts so much that I can't breathe. It hurts so much that I want to die."

"ATSU PLEASE I LOVE YOU. What happened baby? Please." Sakusa pleaded

"Omi when you ignored me many told me that you're cheating on me, but I didn't listen. Many told me you're going to leave me, but I ignored the. But now how am I supposed to ignore my own thoughts which say that you don't love me anymore." Atsumu was now full on screaming crying. His sobs so heart wrenching that Komori who was with Sakusa hearing this conversation started crying himself. The pain and the torment in Atsumus voice was too much for anyone to handle.

"Plea-please stop this pain o-omi" Atsumu started having a panic attack and the tough thing was that, no one was around to help him this time.

"O-omi I ca-ant breath. H-help-" and then he didn't hear anything.

"Atsu? ATSU! OMG ANSWER ME! ATSU?! KOMORI DRIVE FASTER! ATSU!?" Sakusa kept screaming but didn't get any answers.

■3 days later

Atsumu woke up to see himself in an white room. Looking around he saw that it was a Hospital ward.

"W-water" he raspped out.

"ATSU YOURE AWAKE! DOCTOR!" Atsumu saw Sakusa. Tears were streaming down his face and he looked absolutely wrecked.

"Water" atsumu said again. Sakusa quickly helped him in drinking water. Sakusa was going to say something when the Doctor walked in.

"How are you today Mr. Sakusa?" He asked Atsumu.

Atsumu was going to say that it's Miya but let it be. He was too tired.

"He just woke up and drank water." Sakusa replied for him.

"Well that's good. Anyway Mr. Sakusa I recommend you to bot pressure yourself too much. We found out that you have a Panic disorder and also an early stage depression. We will be scheduling a Therapist oppointment for you with Doctor Sharma and you're to attend them all. Don't want your early depression getting any bigger." He then looked at Kiyoomi, "also Mr. Sakusa please take care of your husband. He needs a lot of attention and support while going through this. Now I'll take my leave. Take good rest Mr. Sakusa Atsumu, you'll be discharged tomorrow." Then the Doctor left.

Sakusa turned towards Atsumu and spoke, "I'm so sorry Baby. I was so busy trying to prepare your anniversary gift that I totally neglected you. I shouldn't have raised my voice at you my life. I'm so sorry." He said sobbing.

"G-gift?" Atsumu asked through weak voice.

"My love I was going to propose to you and ask you to be my husband but I got irritated by your calls, and I also kept less interactions with you so that I won't spoil your surprise. I'm so sorry baby." Sakusa suddely picked out a small velvet box from his pocket and said, "So Miya Atsumu? Would you do me the honor of being my one and only?" He asked through tears.

Now Atsumu again have two options.

Option 1. Don't accept the ring and tell him he doesn't want marriage, and not after that bullshit move he did.

Option 2. Forget everything and accept the lovely gesture, follow his heart and keep loving Sakusa like he always does.

Option 1.

"No. I don't want to marry you.  Not after how you treated me. That behavior just shows how much you aren't ready for the big commitment like marriage. I won't break up with you Omi cause I love you too much for that, but marriage is out of question." Atsumu replied.

Sakusa gave a small sad smile but respected Atsumus request. He vowed to himself that when they both are ready for such huge commitment he'll make it the best decision of Atsumus life and give him all the love and treat him like the Queen he is.

Option 2.

"Yes omi. Yes. I love you. And I forgive you for what you did. But please don't ever break my heart like that again." Atsumu said.

Sakusa smiled brightly and slide the perfectly fit finger in Atsumus ring finger.

After they broke the news to everyone, many were not happy with it due to how Sakusa, maybe unknowingly, but still hurted their precious Tsum tsum. Especially Osamu but he soon he accepted it like everyone else and gave his blessing to them.

Love stands on the grounds of trust and love, if any one of the two in the relation breaks one of this the whole relation us bound to get destroyed. And that's the reality of love. It can be beautiful but it can also give you the pain you can't bear to live with."


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