First Burn

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(In collaboration with Xylia_Lunaire I'm writing the first part of the story. The second part is written by them and you can find it in their "Miya Twins one shot" story.)

Sakusa have been behaving really strange this past weeks. Ever since they adopted their son Kiari and were happy by now all of a sudden started going out more and gave Kiari and Atsumu no attention.

Just like that many days went by and Atsumu spent his time with their son, happy but worried for Sakusa. Both were currently watching T.V. more like Atsumu was watching news and Kiari was asleep. That's when he saw the news.

News: Breaking News! Volleyball player MSBY Spiker Sakusa Kiyoomi was seen at a bar with another man. What does it say about his and Star Volleyball setter Atsumu Miya who is also his teammate, husband and his co-parent. What does it say about their relationship and what will happend to their 5 year old son.

Will they divorce? To know keep watching xxx news.

After watching the news Atsumu couldn't stop crying. He wanted to breakdown but composed himself for the sake of his son. Yes HIS son and no one else's  and picked Kiari up. He tucked him in his room.

Atsumu went to their bedroom and started looking around, soon he found what he was looking for, it was the box, full of letters from Sakusa since they started dating. Atsumu looked at the letters and started reading them. He started crying looking at them again. Soon he heard the sound of their bedroom door opening, it was Sakusa.

"Atsu let me expla-" he was cut of by Atsumu saying.

I saved every letter you wrote me,
From the moment I saw you,
I knew you were mine,
You said you were mine,
I thought you were mine.

Atsumu said while reminiscing the time he first mate Sakusa. Their first date, first kiss, their first time. Everything was so beautiful, then what changed.

Do you know what Osamu said when I told him what you've done?
He said, "you've married an Icarus, he has flown too close to the sun

He remembers crying to Osamu every night about how Sakusa has changed and how he is ignoring Kiari too. He remembers how Osamu was warning him about this change.

Sakusa tries to come near Atsumu, "Atsu let me explain I didn't mean it-"

DONT take another step in my direction

Atsumu gets up and looks at Sakusa with an Angry expression. He had enough now.

I can't be trusted around you,
Don't think you can talk your way into my arms,
Into my arms!

Atsumu says while closing his arms and moving away from Sakusa. He then grabs a lighter.

I'm burning the letters you wrote me,
You can stand over there if you want
I dont know who you are
I have so much to learn

He falls on his knees while clutching the letters and looking at them again

I'm re-reading your letters and watching them burn!
I'm watching them burn

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