You look hot~

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Kiyoomi was beyond angry. He just found out his boyfriend of 4 years has been cheating on him. He got a call from some Atsumu guy who told him this, apparently his cheater boyfriend is cheating with Atsumu's fiance.

Kiyoomi swears he wouldn't have trusted the person on the other side but God Atsumus voice was sweet and felt like a melody to his ears. He could also feel his voice wobble and slight sniffles which also added fuel to his anger. It was confusing Kiyoomi how he was attracted to this stranger and felt angry that someone made him cry.

Soon he reached the hotel address given to him where he found a beautiful blond looking at his phone, he looked like he was crying for hours. God the idiot who cheated on this goddess was absolute dumbass. And yes he referred to this beautiful guy a goddess cause GOD IS A WOMEN!

He reached the guy and looked over his shoulder, where he saw him looking a picture of him with his fiancé. The fiance looked disinterested while Atsumu looked beyond happy, showing off his ring and all. Geez, Kiyoomi was certain that he could make Atsumu smile brighter than that🙄💅

"Ahem, Atsumu?" Kiyoomi said clearing his throat. The guy turned around startled.

"OH Sakusa San. I'm Atsumu Miya. I know it must be hard to believe me but I found out about this whole thing a few weeks ago and then decided to find you and inform you. I'm so sorry on behalf of my Ex- fiance." Atsumu said while his eyes filled with tears again while bowing deeply.

Ex Fiance? EX FINACE! YES!

Kiyoomi was certainly a lot happy about this situation than acceptable considering he just found out that his boyfriend has been cheating on him.

"No please don't apologize. I apologize to on behalf on my Ex boyfriend." Kiyoomi said while waving his hands.

Atsumu nodded and sniffles again. They enter the hotel and ask for the room number their cheater Exes are in. They get in considering this is a shabby hotel and no on gives af who enters who's room. Kiyoomi kept comforting Atsumu their whole walk towards the room. They then knocked the door and opened it. There they found their exes in compromising position. Sakusas Ex just rolled his eyes while atsumus Ex turned pale trying to explain that iTs NoT wHaT iT lOoK lIke.

Atsumu slapped his fiance while throwing the ring at his face. Kiyoomi just rolled his eyes at his Ex and went back to comforting Atsumu.

After that incident they met a lot and soon started dating.

One day Kiyoomi got a call from "work" and he had to leave the house.

"Hiyo boss!" Sakusas "Ex" said while grining at him.

"Good job getting that gullible idiot to cheat on my baby. Ugh I hate watching him cry but it was for the best." Sakusa said while rolling his eyes and handing the man a stash of money.

The dude counted it and started leaving but turned around soon, "call me again if you want to make up a cheating Ex of four year story again boss" and walked away.

Kiyoomi smiled and went back home where Atsumu was waiting for him wearing an apron and cooking food. He looked definition of perfect house wife and kiyoomi wanted to eat him up. He went behind him and picked Atsumu up. Closed the stove and started walking towards their bedroom. 

And well rest is history.

I hope you guys liked this. I do not condone cheating but this just felt like a really good story and wanted to write it

Do you guys want me to continue and write about Atsumu getting fucked in a Apron? Let me know!

Love ya💜

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