Trans Rights🏳‍🌈

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So do yall know that there are many Trans Atsumu Fanfictions? But most of them are either Smut or Angst.

Now don't get me wrong, I know Trans folks go through a lot of depression and Body image issues....but today I want to focus on the brighter side. This idea came from reading a Trans Atsumu fanfiction on AO3. Its name is Push and pull by Anonymous. I won't tell what the fic was about but it was good so you guys can read it.

Anyways, so usually I just see smut or angst when it comes to Trans characters so I wanted to write a basically what I'm saying is that......this is fluff.......with Trans Atsumu and some other characters. Ahem.....of course I wouldn't write about Trans folks without knowing about them so that's why I'm taking a Trans creator as my inspiration. Her name is Summer Luk. She has a TikTok account and I actually found her on Instagram reels. She is an amazing creator and focuses on bright side of being Transgender. Onto the story now.

Atsumu came out as Trans when he was only 14. He had many doubts, Body image issues, he felt like he didn't belong in a womens body. He hated every thing about his body change. He liked wearing his brothers clothes more that the skirts given to him. He liked his hair short.

The first person he ever told this was his brother. Even tho Osamu didn't really understand what his 'sister' meant he supported 'her'. He went to library and tried to understand what Trans meant. After knowing enough he still supported his Brother.

The second time Atsumu came out was to his parents. At first they didn't understand him. Don't get them wrong, they do support LGBT but their own 'daughter' coming out as Trans was a shocker. They came around pretty soon tho. They understood that their Son needs them and they should support him.

Then the puberty hit and the chest started swelling. Atsumu was scared and disgusted by how it looked. As a family they did research about it and even consulted their family doctor who suggested using binder. At first Mrs. Miya was scared to let Atsumu use the binders. She had read many articles about things that could go wrong by wearing a binder for too long. (A/N: Binding can affect skin, muscles, and movement, particularly over long periods of time. ... Wearing binders that are too tight can cause underlying tissue and muscle damage, prevent free movement, and even restrict a person's ability to breathe.)

But after going over the rules of wearing binder with Atsumu over and over again they were ready for such a big step. Anxiety was there but the feeling of pride was even more.

The third time Atsumu came out was with his high school team. He didn't bother with his middle school team cause he knew they would only bully him. The team was welcoming about it. They appreciated Atsumu having enough faith and trust in them to tell them about himself. The schools board soon changed Atsumus official name from his Dead name 'Atsumi MIya'. Of course there were haters who were against it, who were against Atsumu playing in Mens Volleyball team cause, ShE iS a WoMen. ShE sHoUlDnT bE pLaYiNg WiTh mEn. Atsumu ignored them. He was proud of who he is and he wont let such insignificant people come in his way.

Everything was going great. Atsumu had two relationships throughout the process. The first person broke his heart but that didn't stop Atsumu. Also lets not forget Osamu who was there to lend a shoulder to cry, annoyed as hell but supportive. Second time he fell for Sakusa Kiyoomi. It was a really deep crush actually and it was mutual. It took both the idiots at least 7 months before they confessed. Their relationship was about to began when Sakusa called, he wanted to talk.

Atsumu was scared but went at the meeting spot anyways.

"Hey Omi-Kun." He said. Kinda hesitant but clear. "Oh Atsu sit. I actually wanted to talk about something really important." Sakusa said in a serious tone. Atsumu hesitantly sat down.

"Atsu I love you a lot but I don't want to be in a relation build on lies." This scared Atsumu. He really loved Omi, he prayed to whatever Devil down there that Omi isn't Transphobic. (Get it, cause people say that Trans people are Devils spawn☜(゚ヮ゚☜)).

Sakusa took Atsumus hand in his and said, "Atsumu I'm Genderfluid." Atsumu blinked once....then twice....and then he realized.

"I-I usually pretend to be male cause I don't want people hating me. I'm sorry Atsu for not telling you earlier. I understand if you want to break up with me." Sakusa said all in one breath. Atsumu kissed Sakusa's hand and said, "Omi I would never hate ya for being who ya are. I love you regardless of your Gender identity. Also I'm Trans myself. I hope you don't hate me for telling ya before." (I hope you guys appreciate my bad attempt at doing the Kansai accent. Man next time I'm googling instead of doing it myself.)

Sakusa felt a weird sense of relief wash over them. They felt loved and appreciated, they felt alive. After their Family Atsumu is the first person Sakusa came out to and it felt good to be accepted without any hesitation. Both Atsumu and Sakusa felt that they found their missing piece.

Soon after turning 18 Atsumu got his Top surgery. His parents had been saving money after Atsumu came out. He felt nice. He didn't have to wear that annoying binder anymore. Soon after his Top surgery Atsumu went to University and joined MSBY along with it. Sakusa decided to complete Uni first before joining. Sakusa decided that they didn't want to get any surgeries. They felt comfortable in their body like this. (I dunno if it's accurate but I once read somewhere that Gender fluid people sometimes get Top surgeries to remove their nipples to feel more comfortable? But I wasn't really sure so I'll just leave a fragment of it here.)

Soon after completing Uni Sakusa Officially joined MSBY where he was welcomed with open arms. After five years of playing and becoming permanent members of the team they came out the world. Of course their was a lot of back lash but it was quickly shut down by the PR team and other players and celebrities coming out or just supporting them. Also their Fan base was too large that haters didn't even get time to hate completely. (Ever hope real life was like this?)

Soon Atsumu got his bottom surgery too. He was really proud of himself. He was happy with a loving partner and supportive team, family and fans. Everything was just Perfect.

Hey yall! I know most this things wouldn't go as smoothly as I showed but like I said, I wanted to focus more on the brighter side. And to everyone out there who is still going through the circle of hatred made by the society just know that, don't give up. This time will pass soon. Soon the society won't be valid anymore. Keep fighting for Pride.

Anyways, onto the next part:

In ancient times, many cultures actually had accepted Same sex as normal, it was actually after English started taking over that it was deemed 'weird'.

I think that Slut shamming should really stop man. I mean for example, if there's a character who is female and does something mildly atrocious or tries to become sexual with the main romantic intrest we don't even think before calling her a slut or a whore. That's wrong.

Never put down others to glorify someone else or yourself. Calling other people names just to glorify other person is not something we should do.

Also completely out of context but when the hell are this crazy fans going to stop shipping Selena and Justine by trying to prove that Hailey is bad? Like I'm so done whenever those videos come on my for you page.

Did yall know that people ship Natsu with Atsumu? Like tf?!

Stop sexualizing minors. Oh my god if I see another story about teenagers getting involved in BDSM and gangbang I'm throwing myself off a building. Or just being hyper sexual at that.

That's all for today!

Thanks for reading, I hope you guys liked it. Don't hesitate to tell me if I got something wrong.

Love ya💜

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