Happier than ever

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Loving someone is hard, it's painful. But it's also a bliss.

It has been months, months since Atsumu and Ray broke up. If wasn't a mutual break up. They had lots of fight and it became a toxic relationship. Soon Atsumu was fed up with it and broke up with Ray.

Ray is Atsumus first in everything. He was his first crush, first boyfriend, first kiss, first date, first person to take his virginity, his first I love yous, everything was given to Ray. It used to be beautiful to Atsumu how well they fit into each other that was until their 2 year anniversary when Ray started distancing and became less emotionally available. He started verbally abusing to which Atsumu started arguing with him. The smallest things would become a huge things and a huge argument would let to spouting of lots of hurtful words. Things they didn't mean but things they said anyways.

It was on their 4th year anniversary when Atsumu finally had enough. He broke up with him but Ray didn't let him go. Atsumu would spot him anywhere he went in hyogo, Ray would say lies about Atsumu on internet, try to spread rumors about him just to get Atsumu back. Soon he had enough and Atsumu mood to Tokyo as soon as third year of high school was over.

In Tokyo he met Sakusa Kiyoomi. Sakusa was the guy who picked up Atsumus broken pieces and glued them together. He loved Atsumu more than anything. He kissed him everyday, told him he loves him everyday, hugged him everyday, made love to him everyday. They would lay in bed as their breaths mingled whispering their love for each other all in the span of 2 years.

2 years of happiness till he called Atsumu.

Atsumu was cuddling with Sakusa when he got a call from Ray. He was drunk. Atsumu might hate Ray but he wasn't heartless.

"Atsu~ I love you Atsu." Ray said in slurred words. Atsumu didn't know what to do so he looked at Kiyoomi. Kiyoomi looked at him with worried eyes and asked him to ask the dude where he is. Kiyoomi then set of to pick up the guy as they didn't want him to get in an accident and die. After a few hours Kiyoomi came back with the guy now a little sober.

Atsumu looked at him worry and anger in his eyes.

"You called me again, drunk in your Benz
Driving home under the influence
You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath." It wasn't old news that Ray would call Atsu drunk and try to talk with. This usually worried Atsumu a lot and he took care of him then.

"Atsu please, I'm sorry. I was just feeling down and my friends suggested to drink so I went with them. I was just missing you atsu." Ray said looking guilty while Kiyoomi sat beside Atsumu comforting him.

"Of course your listened to them, you never listened when I said to do other things than drink when feeling down but no you never listen, why? 'Cause you only listen to your fucking friends!"

This friends of Ray also included Atsumus own brother and cousins. They always tried to get them together so that even when in relation Atsumu could be kept watched on. Oh he hated their over-protective tendencies.

"Atsu please come back to me. If your parents or relatives find out that we broke up they would be hurt to Atsu. We were always related to each other and we should always be together." Ray said in pleading tone.

"OH so you haven't told them yet huh. Shocking considering you wanted to tell them yourself even tho they are MY relatives. Also I don't relate to."

"Huh?" Ray couldn't understand what Atsumu meant.

"I don't relate to you. Cause I'd never treat me this shitty." Atsumu said tears welling up in his eyes. Kiyoomi squeezed his shoulder to give him support.

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