Perfect Bride

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T/W- Cheating

Kindly do not slut shame my OC. I do not condone cheating but try to look at this trough everyone's perspective.

Sakusa stood in front of the door. Trying to block it. "Atsu please don't go. I'm sorry."

"Get out of the way Sakusa. I hate you. You cheated on me. I don't to associate with you."

"NO NO NO YOU CAN'T LEAVE. I LOVE YOU. I WAS JUST FUCKING WITH THAT WHORE. MY HEART ONLY BELONGS TO YOU!" Sakusa screamed. He screamed righteously as if what he said justifies his actions. 

"Oh please Kiyoomi, you deceived that women for what? 12 years. 12 FUCKING YEARS! You kept her by your side by giving empty promises, you told her you'll marry her, you told her god knows what awful things about me just so that she would stay around with you, in hopes that you'll divorce me...your husband of 25 years, in hopes that she won't have to hide herself. And not just her, you even deceived me. You made empty promises of never cheating on me, of only loving me, of being loyal to. Why would you do this? For physical pleasure? Is that all you can see? Is there nothing beyond that?" Atsumu asked Kiyoomi. Hurt and anger blazing in his eyes. He wanted answers. But he was too tired to fight for them. The women who Kiyoomi cheated with standing behind them, trying to grasp Kiyoomis words. 

Was all the years just a time pass for Kiyoomi? She devoted her whole being to him and this is what she is getting? She gave up her dignity by loving an married man just cause of his promises, the promises to one day loving her wholeheartedly, that he really loves her. Was that all a big fat joke in his eyes. She so went and became the slut and homewrecker that everyone calls her, for what? to be called a whore. She couldn't grasp the things happening around her.

Kiyoomi's parents were sitting on the sofa as the saw the scene unfold before them. They just couldn't believe the audacity their own son had. Mrs. Sakusa who for God knows how many years always made Atsumus life hard by taunting him, making him work harder, making him always obey and never raise his voice, all so she could make sure that her son had an absolute submissive bride, a perfect house husband who will take care of them and their children, who wont ever raise his voice or ask questions. She did so much to that poor guy all so that her son could cheat on him....oh what a failure of a women, a mother she felt as she saw her son trying to beg her son-in-law not to leave him, as his mistress stood besides him looking broken. She has zero sympathy for that whore but really hopes that Atsumu wont leave her son and everything could be forgotten.

Besides her Mr. Sakusa saw how pathetic of a person his son was. All this years he raised him like a golden child. Gave him everything he asked for. Spoiled him rotten. Got him the most beautiful bride that he could find. All for him to spoil it with his dick. He looked at Atsumu. Oh he remembers looking at Atsumu for the first time and immediately deciding that he is gonna be Kiyoomis bride, his life long partner. All this years Atsumu took great care of them, did everything they asked, took care of his 3 children with Kiyoomi, while Kiyoomi was out he took the care of the house. He made this house a home for them. A place they could reside with great pleasure and comfort. He saw how Atsumu always understood that his wife is old and never back answered her, took all her taunts and harsh remarks as a teaching, he was so self sacrificial and yet this is what he got. The one person he hoped to rely on was the same person who broke his heart into pieces and now is giving more empty promises. At that moment he made a decision.

"Enough Kiyoomi! That enough! You did what you wanted to do. You have said enough. Don't you feel any shame at all. It's literally pathetic looking at you." Mr. Sakusa's loud voice bommed.

"But Father I promise you! It was just a mistake. It wont happen again." Sakusa pleaded.

"A mistake that kept on going for 10 year kiyoomi? Why didn't this mistake stop the first time?" Mr. Sakusa questioned. He had enough now, his old eyes has seen enough of this bullshit. All this years he saw Atsumu as a son-in-law but now that has to change. Now he has to see him as a Son, a son who actually sacrifice his whole life for them. 

"Pack your bags and leave my house Kiyoomi. A man who plays with a women's feelings, cheats on his partner, lies to his parents, deceives his own children, has no place in this house. Didn't you feel shame Kiyoomi? Your children are adults now, what will they think? Is this type of teaching you're going to give them. Get out. Now I have only one son and one daughter, Atsumu Sakusa and Mei Techibana, you have no place in this house." Mr. Sakusa said with finality. 

Sakusa tried to argue but couldn't find words, he looked around the room. His mom only had regret in her eyes, Atsumu looked indifferent other than small shock of her Father-in-laws decision, his children looked ashamed of him while the women he slept with for years looked at him in hope, hope that he will love her. He felt disgust looking at her. God he messed so fucking bad. Kiyoomi could do nothing but pack his bag and live the house.

"Everything in this world has two perspective, what you look at as bad is a good in someone else eyes. No one truly a bad person, they are just fighting for themselves, struggling in themselves, or are taught to be like that. Look at everything in different perspective, maybe we will find the true peace of life" ~ Unknown

(A.N- So this idea came after watching a show which I really like. Also the term whore is only used in a POV, I do not support calling anyone a whore or shaming them just cause of a mistake cause by both the parties. Kindly do not Slut shame my OC here.)  

I hope you guys liked it.

Thanks for reading

Love ya💜

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