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This story is not safe for Ramadan/Ramazan/Ramadhan/Ramathan.

The song above is my current favourite. So if you want you can listen to it after you're done reading.

Kinks recommended by Yukiii337

Bondage: when a person is tied down by rope, cuffs or anything which can be tied around the limbs to keep them in place. There are bandages like Japanese bandage, western bandage, limb tight bandage, etc.

Mommy kink: when the female of the both is dominating. But in this story it would be used to tease the submissive.

Pet play: when the submissive of the two behaves like a pet and the other is master.

Overstimulation: using sexual touches and words to get each other excited and s3xually frustrated.

Sakusa and Atsumu were in their play room. Today they were celebrating their victory against schweiden addler.  As soon as Atsumu and Kiyoomi entered the room he pinned Atsumu to the wall and started kissing him. It was a kiss full of lust or something like that.

"Go to the room and strip foxy~" Sakusa said near Atsumus ears (shudders cause I imagined corpes husband say this)

Atsumu quickly got to the play room and stripped of his clothes. He laid on the bed patiently  (for a moment I forgot how to spell patiently 🤡)

Sakusa came in the room without his shirt, his 8 packs full on display. Atsumu looked at him suggestively and spread his legs for Kiyoomi (🏃‍♀️💨)

Sakusa went looked at him and then went towards the closet of the playroom. He brought out a rope, essential oil and condom. He turned on the heater and locked the closet.

Atsumu and Sakusa had few rules and one of them was that Atsumu can't touch the toys Sakusa buys, he knows what sakusa buys but he just can't use it unless Sakusa is using them on him.

Sakusa got on the bed and looked at Atsumu one last time before taking his hands and tying them above his head.

"What's the colour bunny?" He asked.

"Green" Atsumu replied.

Sakusa nodded and then towards the legs. He took Atsumus right leg and tied it on the bed post.



Sakusa nodded again. He went towards Atsumu and started kissing Atsumu. Atsumu was patient, he knew that as much as he wanted to start already Omi first have to send him into that head space.

(Note: This is not the head space which is usually shown. The head space such as age regression, cutting outside world and such are terms for head space which happen due to some kind of childhood trauma. Whereas, the head space usually used in BDSM is where the sub and Dom both go into their characters. During this head space the sexual touches intensify and both Dom and sub get cut off other things other then sexually pleasuring each other. The amount of things I Google.)

Sakusa then started kissing Atsumus neck, he was slowly kissing and sucking on Atsumus neck


Sakusa then started kissing Atsumus ears and locking the ear lobe. Atsumu let out a moan and flushed.

Sakusa then provided to bite on Atsumus sweet spot.


Sakusa looked at Atsumu whose eyes were closed due to pleasure. Atsumu was now in his headspace and it was sending Sakusa to his headspace too. Sakusa the took the oil bottle and started pouring it on Atsumus chest. He then started messaging his chest. Soon Atsumu started feeling a warm feeling on his chest.

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