True love

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Love is a beautiful thing. It's filled with hearts and sparkles. It's colour is pink and it makes you feel giddy. Falling in love is like falling on a cloud. It's fluffy and cool but with this love comes fear.

Fear of rejection, fear of disappointment, fear of not being loved back, fear of not loving enough. Fear is nothing like love. Fear is dark and gloomy. It's filled with thorns and rocks. It makes you feel all choked up.

Currently Sakusa Miya was feeling both as he watch his soon to be husband walk towards him on the alter. Hand in hand with his brother and father. He was feeling giddy and fluffy. Everything was pink but at the same time he was feeling stuck. What if this doesn't work out for them? What is he isn't what Atsumu deserves and Atsumu deserves the best.

Atsumu looked at him. Smiling and sparkling. His hair shining under the lights and his white suit matched his pale skin (Atsumu is actually really pale. You can look at the official art)

He dazzled as he walked towards him. His eyes shining with tears of happiness. The happiness of finally being with the one he truly and dearly loved. The one he wants to spend his whole "life" with.

When they reached the alter Sakusa took Atsumus hand from his brother and they stood in front of the pastor as he prayed. Sakusa was feeling fear. Fear that maybe at last minute Atsumu will change his mind and hate him. But when he looked at his true loves eyes he saw nothing but love and adoration. It made him happy that the one he loves, loves him just as much as he does.

"You, Sakusa Kiyoomi, do you take Miya Atsumu as your husband, in sickness and in health, in rich and in poor?"

"I do." He said as a tear slipped past his eyes. The tear of happiness. The tear that he is finally being with the one he love.

"You, Miya Atsumu, do you take Sakusa Kiyoomi as your husband, in sickness and in health, in rich and in poor?"

Atsumu looked at him. Eyes pooling with tears as he tried hard not to start crying.

"I-i do." He said in chocked voice. Finally all the emotions crashing down on him. The happiness and euphoria getting to him.

The pastor smiled. "Good then. I Pronounce you as Husband and Husband. You may kiss now. Congratulations!"

Everyone in the hall started cheering loudly for them. Sakusa could see their parents in the corner crying tears of happiness. Atsumus parents were particularly crying louder. His father who usually is stern and strict crying like a child over his elder son marrying. His parents weren't toxic or strict but they were a lot protective of him and seeing him getting married must have made the damn burst.

He looked at his now husband. Crying adorably. He slowly gathered him in his arms as he whispered word of love and admiration. Telling him how much he loves him.

After the reception they went back to the hotel and made love. It was sweet and unrushed.

5 years later Sakusa stood in front of a room. The room of his true love. He entered slowly with flowers in his hand. He entered and saw Atsumu with a girl. He was kissing her forehead and telling her how much he loves her.

In his hand was their 10 days old adopted daughter Akio Sakusa-Miya. Yawning as she let her papa kiss her and lull her to sleep. Sakusa once again felt love and fear but this time he did not let Fear take up his time and he entered the room to greet his true love and the being of their love.

(Lol o thought you guys would be used to me giving heart attacks like this. Anyways, I won't be giving advices cause I'm tired. And haven't slept in like.......2

Hope you guys liked what I wrote.

Love ya💜

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