Sex Ed 2😩🔫

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Welcome welcome!
We doing the LGBTQIA+

Let's get the basics right

L as lesbian (when girls are either romantically or sexually attracted to other girls)

(No characters here. This is going to be serious education, and it's also cause making Characters act so much will make my fingers hurt.)

Lesbians are attracted to women, periodt.

No cis people, a lesbian is not attracted to you. Don't get offended is they never find you attractive. They have preferences too.

How do lesbians have seggs?
A big question but a stupid one tbh. Why do you think so many seggs toys were made. Also fingers. Ahem. Next!

(This is basics! So ask me any questions you have regarding this and I'll try my best to answer you!)

G as in Gay

Gay also means happy so you can see the co relation here😏

Basically, Gays are people who are attracted to men. As in men being attracted to men!

Ahem, yall know how Gays have seggs. I literally write it all here but I'll still mention it once again.

For gay seggs to work you gotta use lube as anal does not produce natural lube. You gotta stretch your partner. Also the sheets would be soiled brown but its normal from what I've heard (why don't I mention it during smut you may ask? Cause I don't want teenagers to run away in disgust.)

(This is basics. You can ask me anything tho. I'll do my best to answer.)

B as in Bisexual

Now I'm a bisexual bitch myself. A bisexual person is someone who is attracted to both men AND women.

No they are not confused Karen.

Bisexual tbh are confused most of the time. Do they like men more or do they like women more? Few are lucky enough to have it sorted.

Also, a bisexual is ONLY attracted to people with male or female gender. Now you'll have few questions about it but I'll explain everything slowly.

T as in Transgender.

A Trans person is someone who changes their gender. So if a person was a women before and they changed to men then they are called Trans Man. And when a person who was Male and changed to women then they are called Trans women.

Trans person don't necessarily become gay or lesbian (respective to their gender.) Some of them remain straight.

For example, When a Trans women is in love with a man she is straight.

But never to forget that they can be of different sexuality.

(If you have any questions you can ask me)

Q as in Queer

Queers are the one who don't have a decided sexuality or gender. It can change.

For a example, a women who don't know what's her sexuality and when figured out might change is called Queer Women.

(Eduacte me of I'm wrong. I'm kinda confused on this one.)

I as in Intersex

Intersex are people who are identify as both men and women. They don't necessarily have a selected gender. They change their gender as they feel.

Intersex are also people who are born with both male and female genitals.

A as in Asexual/Aromantic/ Alley

Asexuals are people who don't feel any kind of sexual attraction towards anyone. They most likely prefer food over orgam.

But that does not mean that they won't fall in love. They can still fall in love if they want to.

Asexual differs to what kind of person you are.

There are some Asexuals who despise sexual contact while others don't mind having sex but just don't find any fun in it.

A person can be Asexual for various reasons but it depends in them. Some might be Asexual forever. Few might be due to a trauma regarding sexual contact. But it depends.

Aromantic is  a person who is not romantically attracted to anyone. But that doesn't mean that they don't feel sexual attraction, they do feel sexual attraction.

(Sorry I don't know much about this topic cause I've never meet a Aromantic person.)

Ally are cis or hetero people who support LGBTQIA+

Anyone who support the community and fights for it is a part of this community.

Now that that's over let's move on towards the plus part!

The plus means many more sexuality. I'll try to spill out as many as I can remember or I know.


Dwmisexual is a person who only feels romantic or sexual attraction towards the people they are close too. Then the gender doesn't matter if the person is close to them then it's fine.

No it's not something, 'everyone does'. There are people who can have sexual or romantic relationship from the moment they met but that's something demisexuals are uncomfortable to do.


No they are not attracted to pans. Pansexuals are the people who are attracted to someone irrespective of their gender.

For eg, they can feel attracted to non binary person, a man, a woman, Trans person, etc.


Omnisexual are people who are attracted to people by recognizing their gender.


Non- binary are people who don't have a gender. They usually prefer they/them/their Pronounce.


Polysexual people are attracted to more than one person at a time.


This people are attracted to a person they view as intelligent.


Abrosexual is someone can change their sexuality. For example, a Abrosexual may feel attracted to a man and then next week they won't feel attracted to anyone.


People who consider themselves androsexual feel attraction toward men, males, or perceived masculinity irrespective of whether or not they were assigned male at birth.

(Okay so this are the basic. Look there are just too many sexualities okay and it's taking a lot of time to understand them. I have given definition of the ones I never knew about and learned recently. This is not really a sex Ed but more like a exposed to how large the community is. Ask me questions if you have any and I'll try my best to answer them to my best abilities.)

Thank you for reading

Love ya💜

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