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It was their third year anniversary. Three years since he and Omi started dating, three years since he told his feelings to Omi, three years since Omi confessed to him too.

He remembers that day vividly. It was after a long day at college and both were tired af. They decided to have a little hang out session at the Cafe. It was a small Cafe, a small business owned by a old couple. They both had retired and had nothing to do so they opened it. They were generous and gave employment to many struggling college students. Atsumu wished to be like them when he grows old. Old with Omi....that's when he decided to confess. To confess his love.

"Omi...I like ya." Thats it. Thats all he said. "Atsu I don't like you....but I love you." Atsumu looked at him.

Yeah pretty boring but that's how they started going out. Since then they always went to that Cafe for their dates and small anniversaries. He loved going there. They both went there even after graduating a year later. That Cafe was their own little heaven.

Now he stood there looking at the love of his life, with flowers in his hand. He saw the love of his life kissing another man on the same table they confessed to each other. The same table which saw their love bloom.

It was their third year anniversary and he said he was busy. 'Is this what he is busy with? For how long this has been going on for? Did he ever even love me?' Atsumu questioned himself. Why? What? How? Were the questions in his head.

Soon Kiyoomi noticed him. He quickly paled. "At-atsu it's not what it looks like!" He tried to say.

"Save it. Save your excuses for some other fool. I hate you Sakusa Kiyoomi. I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" And with that Atsumu left. Everyone in the Cafe was dumbfounded.

The Cafe which saw their love bloom was the same which saw it end too.

(I hope you guys liked this one. I was just feeling down so I decided to write a angst. I know this is not a really heart breaking type of angst and I'm not even good at making those so....🤷‍♀️)

Anyways thanks for reading!

Love ya guys💜

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