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After about an hour Sam rolled off her. She laid there, unmoving, closing her eyes and breathing heavily.

After catching his own breath, Sam placed a lingering kiss on her forehead and began to massage her stomach, looking straight in her eyes, that were now open. She looked away nervously, but couldn't hide the crimson glow of her cheeks.

"Is it hurting much ?" He asked.

"A little." She said. He rose up from the bed, pulling his boxers, then pants up his waist. Meanwhile, Chloe covered herself with the sheets. She saw him walking towards a door, she didn't realise was there.

As soon as he opened the door, she concluded it to be a bathroom. She heard the sound of running water and in a short while Sam returned and sat down infront of her.

"I have prepared a hot bath for you. It will reduce the soaring. Just go to sleep once you're done......I'll be back shortly. Alright ?"

"Okayy." She smiled. He carried her in his arms to the bathroom, gently removing the sheets away from her body, he placed her inside the bath tub. "Another key is in the drawer. Only come out, if something happens." He told her. She nodded. Then, he left.

Hot water bath really helped in easing her pain, after she was done, she covered herself with towel and exited the bathroom. Her clothes were neatly stacked on the bed at one place. She smiled and dressed herself up. Thereafter, she saw few chocolate donuts, kept in a plate on the nightstand.

She flopped down on the bed, munching a donut. Her mind wandered to all the events that happened in a past couple of hours and she blossomed like a new flower.

She knew she gave in too quickly but she didn't regret any of her actions. There was nothing about his touch, his look, she didn't like. She savoured each moment just as she knew he did. Their bodies fit together so perfectly, she wandered if, "some pairs are made in heaven." talk is actually true.

She laid down on the bed, and only then she realised, she was completely unaware of the time. Her eyes scanned the room for a clock, when they fell on a wall clock. The glistening numbers of the clock told her that it was 3:30 in the afternoon. She pulled the duvet over her and soon drifted off into a peaceful slumber.

Meanwhile, Sam, Markus and Damon were sitting in Damon's office.

"News travels fast these days....She would have come to know about Carl by now." Damon said, reclining on his chair.

"Hmm" Sam hummed.

"She would definitely play some trick." Said Markus.

"That's why we have to act fast." Damon explained.

"She wants Sam and me....She'll get us."

"Yes...she will, son.
Well, I think you have got slight understanding with Adam and his team."

"They're all efficient." Sam replied almost immediately.

"Good to hear that."

"Listen, you both, I want you to take of her as–soon–as–possible, you understand ?"

"Yes father." They replied, standing up to leave.

"Williams, I have to talk to you." Sam nodded. Markus and Sam exchanged a look, then Markus left.

"What is it, father ?" Sam asked, staring at him. Rising up from his seat, Damon moved closer to him.

"Is she the same girl that got you distracted, son ?" Sam's jaws tensed and fingers curled in anticipation. He gave him a nod and said, "Yes."

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