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Chloe stepped out of the car, holding a small gift box in her hand and gazed across the road at PARADISE. A merry smile graced her lips, she inhaled the fresh evening air and made her way towards their cafe. Her pace was quicker than usual. Smile wider.

Once she neared the door, she pushed open it and walked towards the office, passing that beautiful smile to every other customer or employee that came in her way. One could easily tell that she was bursting with joy.

"Someone's extra happy today." Chloe heard a young lady sitting behind the counter say with a smile of her own.

"I am, Sara." Chloe replied and barged inside the office to find Sam sitting at the edge of the table, reading some documents. In surprise, he looked up. At first he seemed agitated but upon realising that it was Chloe, his featured softened.

"Hey Love, What are you doing here ? You should be resting." Sam said, rising up from his seat. Unlike all the other times, this time, instead of giving him an answer, she walked towards him and placed the gift on the desk.

"Open it." She said. He gazed at her for a moment before lifting her, earning a small yelp from her, and returning back to his seat with her over his lap. She adjusted herself and beckoned him to open the box, covered in a glittery purple gift wrap.

"I will but before that tell me, are you feeling better ?" He questioned, even though, visibly, she looked good, as beautiful as ever. However, since the moment Chloe told her that she was feeling tired that afternoon. He dropped her back home and told her to rest.

"I am fine. Now open it."

"Okay...okay...Let's see what's got you so excited." He chuckled, unboxing the present. She didn't respond, her eyes were held by the box as she was grinning ear to ear.

He slowly removed the cover and saw another small box inside it.

"Seriously ?" Chloe gestured her to keep going. Sam sighed and opened it to see a pile of few papers with numbers written in her handwriting, as he recognised it.

"5." He read the first page, removing it.

"4." He continued.



"1." As soon as he removed the last paper, his eyes at once fall on a dipstick and within seconds they glowed up like the enchanted oceans under the moonlight. Slowly, he forwarded his hand and grabbed it, positive it showed.

As Chloe watched, she noticed, his mouth opening and closing in a desperate attempt to say something but nothing came out of his mouth, however the huge smile that he wore on his face seemed to say a lot. His glance darted between his hand and her.

It was only after a few minutes passed, he whispered, "Baby....." and embraced her in his arms tightly.

"You're pregnant." He mumbled, placing a lingering kiss on her head. "You're pregnant." He enthused.

"Yeah. We're gonna be parents." She said, snuggling deeper into his warmth. He pulled away from her, looking in her eyes with absolute love and gently placed his hand on her stomach.

"That's our baby in there." He smiled but the sudden stiffness of his muscles didn't go unnoticed by Chloe.

"Hey, what happened ?" Concerned, she asked and cupped his cheeks. He gazed up at her.

"I never thought I could live this beautiful life, but I am living this and all this exists only cause of you." For a moment they were lost in the surging oceans of their emotions before she kissed his forehead, then, placed her head at his shoulders.

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