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Sam and Chloe were soundly asleep with their legs intertwined and his arms wrapped around her belly when loud banging on the door reached their eyes, waking them up as if it was an emergency.

"Stay behind me." Sam said to Chloe. Sliding off the bed, he glided by the door with his gun aimed at any threat.

He held the knob and flung the door open.

"God dammit, I'll fu**ing shoot you someday." Sam exasperated upon seeing Markus, not noticing his apprehensive features. Markus dismissed his statement and walked inside the room, massaging his forehead meanwhile Sam holstered his gun.

"Are you okay ?" Worried, Chloe asked, only then Sam assessed his anxious eyes, clenched fist and tensed muscles.

"What happened ?" Sam questioned. Markus' eyes flickered between them before he let out a shallow breath and said, "......They have your parents, Chloe."

His words were like a knife, stabbed in her chest. She paused, gazing intently at Markus.

"What...what..what ar..are you saying ?"


"Did he....did he say that they have my parents...." She whispered looking in Sam's eyes.

"We're gonna get them back to" Markus said.

"They have nothing to do with all this." She said, her eyes turned glossy.

"We know...."

"How do you know that they have them ?" Sam questioned.

"A video. She fu**ing sent a video. Come with me." Sam nodded and they all hurried to a cabin. Just as Markus opened the door, Damon's gaze fell on them and stuck on Chloe for a little longer. Intimidated by his intense gaze, Chloe held on to Sam's hand and hid behind him.

"He's not gonna hurt you, Chloe." Sam said to her as if talking to a little child. Still, she didn't leave his hand.

"Today morning we received this video." Damon said and pressed a button and a video began to play up on the television. A cabin, precisely Clara's office was visible therein. "When you killed Antonio, I wasn't aware of the reason. You know, he wasn't someone in your way but as I dug deeper, I found some interesting facts." They heard a feminine voice, loaded with hatred and venom. ".....And past unraveled itself."

"Damon, the broken pieces collector. Ha !! Markus, the saviour and Williams, the devil. You took everything from me. Now it's your turn." She said, the swivel chair turned about in a swift motion and Clara came into their view.

"Five years, for five years, I have been burning in this same fire of revenge as you once did....and it's high time, that all this come to an end....This game of vengeance will now come to it's ultimate end." Just as she said that, the camera rolled to focus on Chloe's parents.

"" Chloe sputtered out, looking at her parents tied upon chairs. Their mouth was covered with a piece of cloth to muffle their voices.

"Oh dear Chloe, if you're listening this, let me tell you, you really broke my little brother's fragile heart. Poor boy, risked his life to save you."

"Lewis...." Sam's hold on her tightened, she looked up at him, to find him throwing daggers her way. Just by one look in his eyes, she could tell how angry he was.

"I know you have Carl. I know you know where I am. I am also sick of these games. I'll wait for you. Don't try to play smart and don't forget to bring her with you." She said and the video ended.

"Fu**ing b**ch." Markus muttered. Chloe held onto Sam's shirt and hugged him tightly.

"I want my parents back." She cried.

"I'll get them back to you."

"How come she knows about you both ?" Damon questioned.

"Of course, that fu**tard Lewis." Markus said through gritted teeth.

"He wouldn't do so. He is not a bad person."

"She's bluffing." Sam said, disregarding all their words.

"So that means on the basis of whatever that boy told her, she is assuming some sort of relationship flourishing between her and us.....and well she ain't wrong." Damon added.

"We gotta move. I'll gather Adam and the others." Markus said, and scurried out.

"I'll come with you." She whispered.

"I can't take you. I'll bring them back but I will not take you there..."


"You're gonna be here with father."

"I can't just sit here, they're my parents."

"Chloe,..." Sam said, placing his palms on her wet cheeks. "Trust me okay ? I promise, I'll bring them back safe." He kissed her forehead and embraced her in his arms. Meanwhile, Damon was perplexed, never in five years, he saw Sam being so patient with anybody. It was either a warning or death, nothing in between. They always fought for money, power and revenge but for the first time he was watching someone, fighting for love and trust. It was a humbling experience for him, in that moment, he realised how one good person can change everything for good.

"Okay.." Chloe said in undertones.

"Wait for me outside. I have to talk to him." She gave him a nod and moved out.

Just as she was no longer in their sight, Sam said, "My priority has changed, father. I will save her parents first and then it is her."

"I know, son. Just try not to give her a window to escape. "I won't." Damon gave him a nod. Sam turned to leave, when he heard him say, "I never saw you so patient. How come she is able to change you so fast ?" Sam stopped, taken by surprise by his question, then turned.

"For a person trapped in the desert every drop of water is valuable. Just like that, I am finally getting the love and understanding I have craved my whole life." He said and exited the cabin.

Just as Sam came out, he saw Chloe, sitting on a stair with her head propped against the wall, tears had stained her cheeks. She was right infront of him and still seemed so distant.

"Chloe.." He called out. She slowly turned around and rose up. "Come with me." She gave him a short nod and then, he silently lead them to his room.

Seating her on the bed, he sat down infront of her.

"I need you to trust me."

"I do trust you." She replied immediately.
"I know you'll try your best to save my parents but what about you ? Markus ? and...Lewis ?...I do understand what she means by "don't try to play smart. That place is not safe."

"We both will come back."

"I want you all to come back." She moved closer to him and placed her head on his shoulder, "and Lewis too. Please don't hurt him."

"I can't promise you that, Chloe." She didn't move a muscle upon hearing his words, it was as if she expected him to say anything like that. "But as long as he doesn't aim his gun at me or my men, I won't."

"Okay..." Sam pulled away from her and held her face in his hands, then, pecked her lips and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead. Her eyes closed as warmth filled her heart.

"I'll have to go now." With heavy heart, she nodded, "Be safe and please come back." She whispered.

"I will." He said and left, to end everything forever.


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