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"You're okay..." She whispered and snuggled deeper into his warmth, intoxicated by his manly cologne. He was flabbergasted by her sudden act, "I was so scared." She whispered. A quiet contentment spread through him. He couldn't think of a time when he had ever felt that way. He raised her arms and wrapped it around her, "They're gone now." He said, in deep and husky voice. "We have to go" He added. She pulled away slightly and looked up at him, then nodded.

"Get in. I'll drive." He told her. She mumbled a okay.

Sam was driving the car while Chloe had gone completely silent. Blinking of her eyes slowed, her gaze was fixed on the passing view. It was as if her brain was establishing new connections while putting rest of her body parts on pause.

"Chloe...." Calmly, Sam called, while looking at the road ahead. She didn't respond. "Chloe..." He called again, placing one of his hands on her shoulder. Her head jerked in his direction, "Yeah..yeah what happened ?" Surprised, she mumbled, looking at the road ahead, then at him. Sam pulled over the car at the side of the road and positioned himself such that his body faced her.

"Is everything okay ?" She whispered.

"You tell me." Sam replied, "What have you been thinking ?" He asked. Her head dropped down automatically. "Tell me, Chloe."

"I....I....I know him." Meekly, she whispered. Sam frowned, "Who ?"

"The one...who was inside the...the garage." She said with watery eyes. His temper sparked, "Who is he ?" She slowly looked up to meet his eyes. She could easily tell by the vengeful tone of his voice and eyes brimming with hostility, how angry he was.

"His..his name is...Lewis..Lewis Clark. He the same department as mine. He...he said he take me somewhere safe. I don't understand how he knew them." She told him. "Is that all ?" Sam questioned. She nodded. Sam leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes and sucked in a sharp breath. Chloe observed the obvious change in his mood and lowered her gaze.

He was about to re-ignite the engine when his phone buzzed. He pulled his phone out. Markus was the caller.

"Bro, come to campus asap." Markus said. "What happened ?" Sam asked.

".....We got Carl." Markus' words only roused his anger, "I am on my way." He stated, then cut the call and drove the car as if the ground behind them was about to explode. Chloe gripped on to her seat tightly.

Shortly they reached the campus.

"Get out of the car." He said to Chloe without even looking at her. The hint of warmth that was present in his voice was gone and again they were mere hollow words. Chloe controlled her sudden urge to cry and quietly got out.

Markus, who was standing by a car with Adam, Miles, Catherine and Rick saw him.

"Who's the girl ?" Adam asked, his eyes roamed up and down her fragile figure. Markus gave him a glare and sprinted towards them.

"Hey ! Chloe what happened ?" He asked, looking at her tear streaked face. She didn't respond, instead Sam did, "They attacked the house."

"What ?..... How did they come to know about that ?"

"The hell, I know." Sam countered and held Chloe's hand and began to pull her with him towards the building. They walked down a gloomy lobby. Passing by men and women, who either eyed her or glared at her. She lowered her head and quietly let him guide her. They glided down a set of concrete stairs and he lead her to a room. He pushed open the door and pulled her inside with him.

Everything about the room was beautiful. The floors were made of black marble tiles and the walls were made of concrete, painted with a shade of maroon. Night lamps were placed on either sides of a king sized bed, on polished wood pedestals. She caught a quick glimpse of the room before resettling her eyes on him.

"Are you...are you mad at me ?". Softly, she asked. Sam's eyes got a predatory look as he began to step towards her slowly. With every step he took forward, she took one back, until her back hit the wall.

She gasped in surprise as he closed the distance between them and pinned her arms above her head. Intoxicated, by his closeness, her eyes shut and her breathing became erratic.

Sam buried his face in the nape of her neck and breathed in her flowery fragrance. His thumb stroked her delicate cheekbones while his fingers were tangled in her hair. His hot breaths fanned her neck. In response her body arched slightly. She had never been so romantically close to a man before and now that she was so close to him, her mind was racing and heart was thumping at an incredible speed and still she didn't want to lose his touch.

"Now tell me Chloe, who is he to you ?" He whispered huskily, pressing himself against her. She gasped again.

"Wha....what ?" She replied with a nervous hitch in her voice. He pulled away slightly and untangled their arms. Her eyes fluttered open at the sudden loss of contact and she lowered her arms.

"Do you really want me to believe that he is just a friend ?" His voice tensed and eyes hardened. It took Chloe a couple of minutes to regain her senses before she muttered, "He is."

"Don't you fu**ing lie to me Chloe." He yelled and caged her in between his arms. Tears returned in her eyes as she shut them tightly in fear. "You really want me to believe that a goddamn friend will team up with goddamn gangsters to save a god-damn friend." She tilted her head sideways unable to swallow his hostility.

"" She muttered. "I really don't know why he was there." Sam smacked the wall and jerked away from her while a shiver ran down her trembling body. She was rooted at her spot while Sam was going crazy. His eyes opened wide as he swallowed every inch of air around him.

"You lied. Didn't you ?" He questioned, his voice turned surprisingly calm.

"I..I don't understand ?" She whispered.

"You lied when you said you've never been" Her head shot up as she looked at him with hurtful eyes. "He loves you and so do you, Right ?"

"It's's not true."

"Tell me Chloe..tell me why did you embrace me in your save him from me or cause you were actually happy to see me alive ?" She opened her mouth in a desperate attempt to answer him but all she could do was stutter.

"You got no answer for that ?" He remarked.

"I..I knew he would have died if I haven't done anything to stop you but that's only the half truth, I was happier to have you back." She cried. Her eyes begged him to believe her.

"Don't feed me lie, Chloe. No more." He said, their eyes met for a fraction of a minute. Hurt shone in her eyes while pain surfaced his.

After nearly ripping the door of it's hinges, he stomped out. She slumped down, sobs of her aching heart racked her body.

"I want to tell you. I have to tell you...that it's you."


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