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Chloe was walking towards his room. Her steps were unusually slow, as if she was sedated. It was as if her brain was malfunctioning; struggling to communicate to her feet, and tell them to take next step. Or it wasn't that ? Thoughts were twisting and turning inside her head. At first they were wane, confined within her brain, yet soon they became worse. An unsettling feeling began welling inside her. She was scared of them, but they did not hurt her and she had this strong feeling that they won't. This wasn't the question driving her insane but it was, if she liked him.

She stopped, outside his room. Her lungs shallowly rose and fell in time, allowing only little air to enter in them. Her heart was throbbing loudly. She raised her hand, and knocked. The door opened ajar. She peeked inside. In the wan lighting, the fabrics were muted hues, still she knew they were most certainly black. She wanted to step inside, but wasn't ready to face the consequences. She knocked again, door opened wide, aroma of his manly scent infused her far more deeply than ever before. Scarlet arisen in her cheeks as she looked up to meet his gaze.

"You're done ?" He asked. She tried to speak, but her mouth lacked any moisture and only a croak came out. Unable to speak, she gave him a short nod and outstretched his phone. He grabbed his phone, yet again brushing past her hand, and deepening her blush. The lack of light prevented him from taking any glimpse of her vibrant shades. Sam folded his arms across his torso.

"So, who did you call ?" He questioned, seemingly calm.

"" Unmoving, she mumbled. Stepping closer to her, he asked. "You had the opportunity, why didn't you call for help." A couple of seconds passed, she did not respond. Her eyes were closed, it was as if she was in a stupor, under some kind of spell. "Tell me." He stated, his tone demanding. Her eyes flashed open, as realisation dawned upon her. She stepped back. He noticed her movements, his eyes narrowed.

"I–I thi..think–I'm safer wi..with–you." Their gaze locked over again. Silence hung in the air, before Sam walked back inside.

"Go back in your room." He said and closed the door. Chloe just stood there, thinking about her previous actions.

"Mom shouldn't have said that." Smiling, she whispered to herself and strolled back.

Sam placed his phone aside and lay back. Who the fu** is behind all this. He thought, just then his phone rang. He looked at the caller ID, it was some unsaved number.

"Who is it ?" Gravely, he asked and sat upright.


"Why are you calling me with an unknown number, Father ?"

"Just ensuring, not to leave any traces. How are you both recovering ?"

"We're fine. You found something, father ?"

"Some of our men told me they saw Carl somewhere in Chester." Sam listened, his fist clenched and jaws clamped tight. "They still have hold of him ?" He asked. "They are keeping an eye on him. He is taking strict care of his security." Damon replied.

"Tomorrow morning, I am going there." Firmly, Sam stated. "I don't think it's the right decision, son." Damon uttered, heaving a sigh.

"I can't lose this only chance of finding the truth." Sam said. After a suspended moment, Damon replied, "Few of our men will go with you."


"Till the dawn." Damon said and cut the call. Sam leaned back and inhaled a deep breath, closing his eyes. Shortly he was buried in a perturbed sleep.

Soon, sun filtered through the clouds. Colors spread across the sky, adding pinkish and orange glow to it. As Chloe cooked their breakfast, she watched outside, Feeble sunrays threw dapples of shadow over the ground, matted with fallen leaves. Vivid blooms danced in the breeze, carrying with it whiff of her deliciously cooked bacon, eggs and cheese sandwich.

She plated breakfast into three different plates and carried it to the living room. Just as she exited the kitchen, she heard sounds of groaning. She looked in the direction of the noise, and saw Markus taking slow and heavy steps towards the couch. Hurriedly, she placed the plates on the table and dashed towards him. He looked up.

"Slow down, why—are you—running ?" Grimacing, he said.

"Let me help you." She said. He gave her nod and draped an arm around her shoulder. She wrapped one arm around his waist and helped him walk to the sofa.

"Thanks." He said, once he slumped down.

"Pass me the plate." He said, glancing at her food. She handed a plate to him, while her gaze was at the door behind.

"My hands are down here." Markus uttered, grabbing her attention, she looked down and saw plate almost touching his lips. She blushed crimson.

"Sorry" She said, handing the plate to him. "Better go and see if he's awake." He replied.

"You want–you want me to go and check up on him." Shocked, she asked.  He simply smiled, "yes."

"He'll be angry." She mumbled. "He won't be." was his reply.

Chloe inhaled a deep breath and walked towards his room. She turned to look at Markus. He gave her a thumps up and she knocked. Similar to last night, door opened ajar. She knocked again. Even after waiting for a few minutes, she got no response. The feeling of stepping inside overwhelmed her and this time she gave in.

Nothing about his bedroom was extraordinary, well, except for his manly cologne. There was a huge bed, nicely made. A small table and a couch. She frowned, when she did not see him. She moved towards the en–suite bathroom. Gathering up all the courage that she could muster, she knocked. Once. Twice. Thrice but again she got no response. She clutched the handle and opened the door, while her eyes were closed. She waited for a shout or worse but nothing came. She peeked and saw no one in there. Her frown deepened.

"He isn't in his room." She told Markus, as she walked back to him.

"What do you mean ?" He questioned.

"He is not in his room."

"Must be in the bathroom then." He stated calmly.

"I checked, he isn't even there." Markus had a look of confusion etching across his face.

A flight landed on an airfield somewhere in Chester, Sam along with other passengers got out. He existed the airport and saw a buffed man waiting for him in a black jeep. Sam stepped towards the car and the man drove them away.


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Stay healthy
Stay tuned !!

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