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Sam knew by not accepting his feelings, he was playing smart. He tried not to give her the power to make him miserable but at last, he couldn't help being drawn to her and now his emotions were jagged.

He walked out of the building to Markus and the others. Upon looking at him no one could tell about the storm that was tearing his heart apart, well, no one but Markus.

He could tell, by the way Sam constantly ran his fingers through his hair, how frustrated he was.

"Where's he ?" Sam questioned as soon as he reached them. Markus eyed him suspiciously, however, for the time being, he let it go.

"Let's go." He said. Along with Adam and his team, Sam followed Markus.

"How did you get hold of him ?" Sam asked.

"After you left, I asked some of my men to monitor the building.....For a week, nothing happened. I was about to back off, then yesterday he showed up and we got him." Adam told him. Sam hummed.

A set of concrete stairs lead them to the basement. The atmosphere around them changed almost immediately. There were a few flickering lights in a long and narrow hallway with murky and barred cells on either sides. The place reeked heavily off old blood, sweat and urine. Whispers of men, curled up at the corners reached their ears. Least bothered by these, they stopped infront of one of the "torcher rooms" with Carl there in.

Markus unlocked the door and they all stepped inside. Carl was unconscious. His hands and legs were tied to the chair, he was seated on whereas his right eye was swollen and corner of his lips bled. Catherine grabbed a bucket of water and splashed the water on his face.

"Ha...ha" He gasped for air and jerked up immediately. Not a minute after, Sam punched him right across his face. He screamed in pain.

"Wake up you fu**tard." Sam gritted his teeth. Carl's head dangled back and forth in the air as if there were no bones inside. Sam punched him again, earning another scream from him.

"Now, look at me." He commanded, holding his head at place by his hair.

Markus was leaning by an old wooden table containing different kinds of devices that they used to torcher their prisoners. He kicked a stool, kept by his side towards Sam. Sam grabbed it and seated down opposite to Carl.

"Now you be good and tell me where's the money ?"

"She took it from me." He replied.

"Who is "she" here ?" Even though Sam knew the answer, he wanted to know everything from the scratch.

"You think I am behind all this ?" Carl muttered and recieved another blow across his face.

"Just answer to what I ask. Who is she ?"
Carl's jaw tensed but he knew he had no other option than to co-operate with them if he wanted to live.

"Clara Luciano."

Sam stood up and walked to the table.
"So you're telling me, you worked with her for nothing in return. Ha ?" He remarked, assessing the different tools. He finally settled for a pair of thin iron rods. He returned and rapidly penetrated the rods in his thighs. Pain surged through him like a sharp sword. His heart leaped into his throat.

"Now tell me where is she and the money or I am gonna make sure to give you very slow and painful death."

"Philadelphia. She is in Philadelphia and the fifty millions of my share are in the same house, you attacked.

"Where in Philadelphia ?" Markus asked from behind.


"What else you know about her." Sam asked. Carl sucked in a deep breath and gazed up at the ceiling as if he was recalling something.

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