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Sun had said its good bye for the day, and sky was illuminating with the blueish- white hue of the the moon and the stars.

Lewis pulled off his car infront of his duplex, and walked towards the two storey building, standing proudly, guarded by a wooden fence all around. A small garden had been planted infront, and was flanked with new buds of the spring.

He ignored the presence of his beautiful surrounding and barged in, slamming the door behind, the way they cracked a noise, it seemed as if  they'd come out of their frames.

He stepped towards his kitchen, grabbing a beer can, he gulped, feeling bitter sour taste slip into his mouth. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and dialled a private number.

"What is it ?" A feminine voice questioned as soon as call connected, it wasn't the friendly voice, soothing one's soul. It was venomous, one that promises death.

"Your man, Ferdinand, he isn't lying.
He didn't utter a word." Lewis replied, taking another sip of the amber liquid.

"What makes you say so ?" She asked.

"A friend of mine witnessed everything and helped that b*sta*d, she told me."

"She, means that dog found a bitch."

"Hold your tongue, Clara. She is oblivious to all this." Lewis retorted.

"Yeah whatever. Poor Ferdinand had a rough night. I am glad, I didn't kill him straight away." She said, contrary to her words there was no sign of guilt in her tone. It was more mocking. 

"I don't give a damn. Listen Clara, I need a favor." said, Lewis.

"Go ahead" she replied.

Across the city, in his office, Damon collapsed on his seat, massaging his forehead by his long, rough fingers.

"That scumbag, was the only clue we had gotten so far. And you lost hold of him." He spoke, looking straight at the man that bares his likeness.

"How ?" He added.

"I got distracted" Sam replied, not looking at him but through him. It wasn't as if he was scared of him, he respected him, his words, and regarded his point of view with seriousness and without judgement.

"What got you distracted ?" He further questioned.

"A girl" Sam spoke. Damon sighed, walking towards him, he placed his hands over his shoulder.

"Do you know her ?" Sam shook his head in negative.

"I don't know. She just—lives in my neighborhood" He told him.

"For how long ?" It was when Damon asked about it. Sam thought over all the events that took place in the past couple of days, from her arrival to thier recent encounter in the morning and realised, that robbery happened on the same day she first came to her house. And then, what was she doing there at such a late hour, all alone ? Millions of questions befogged his mind.

"I got to go." He said and left Damon's office. He dashed towards his car, Markus, who was talking to some man, caught his sight, observed his expressions and rushed to him.

Sam strode towards his car, the way he was walking, every bone and muscle in his body must be hurting, but yet like all other times, his face was neutral. His fists were clenched tightly, explaining the whiteness of his knuckles. His face was rigid, betokening someone's fate.

"What happened ?" Markus asked, walking next to him.

"Get in the car." Sam spoke, his voice was cold and authoritative. Markus nodded.

Gazing straight ahead, Sam ignited the car and drove off.

"What is going on ?" Markus asked.

"That girl. I am so gonna kill her."

"What girl ? The one that helped you ? Why ?"

"Fu**ing help. She is a fu**ing beagle."

"What are you even talking about, man ?"

"The day of robbery, is the same day she first came to introduce herself as a freakin' neighbour. Then yesterday, how easily she saved that man from my hold."

"What's the point ?"

"That freakin' girl, was playing innocent while keeping an eye on us. I don't know how many others are there."

"What ? Then why the fu** will she treat you, when she could have simply escaped ?"

"To ensure her cover, perhaps getting caught wasn't included in the plan, but now— her mask is blown." Sam said, gritting his teeth.

At speed of seventy miles per hour,  car travelled southeast, towards the borough of Queens.

Evening, when families were off for  movies or walks. Sam was burning with rage. He demanded answers, he knew only she could give.

However, upon reaching, the middle Village, Street 62, what they saw was highly unexpected.

"What the fu** is happening there ?" Markus uttered in confusion.

"Maybe it's not just us, hunting for her now." Sam replied.


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