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The rising sun cast pinkish hue across the morning sky and bathed the city streets in it's warm light. The colorful birds were twitting their morning melodies and the bees swarmed up in the air in search of the nectar that attracted them.

Even on such a bright and cheerful day, the Moretz family seemed to be in rush.

"Chloe ! Chloe ! Come Down baby. You're getting late." Natalie called from downstairs.

Natalie Moretz, Chloe's mom is a beautiful middle aged lady with sky blue eyes and chocolate brown hair. She is gifted with a heart of gold that she further gave to her daughter through her good nurturing along with Steven Moretz, Chloe's dad. A really good looking man for a middle ager. With his sparkling blue eyes and jet black hair, he is still talk of the town.

"Coming Mom, just a minute." She replied enthusiastically.

Grabbing her trolley bag, she walked towards the door of her room when a sudden gust of sadness washed over her.

Her heart felt heavy as she turned to give a last glance to her room where she had spend countless days and nights of her life. Some happy, some sad. The room where she experimented all her skills from decorating it with fairies and princesses to retouching it with millions of motivational quotes and successful entrepreneurs.

However, she didn't let her pain of leaving her home take over her joy of getting a well paid Accounting job in a reputed company, recognised as THE KINGSLEY CORPORATIONS.

They are well known for their exotic restaurants and hotels. Their headquarter being in New York approximately 1646 miles away from her home city, Texas.

It's her dream to start her own cafes and restaurants one day, but her family isn't in the best of financial conditions currently and neither does she have any experience. Thus, the moment she was offered this job she seized the occasion.

"Ah ! Finally you are here." Her dad remarked sarcastically as he saw her walking towards them. She rolled her eyes at his antics and went by the car.

She loaded her luggage in the trunk and turned about. Her eyes immediately met with those wet blues of her mom.

"Take care of yourself and eat your meals timely-I'll miss you so much. I Love you, baby." Natalie voiced masking all her sadness with a vibrant smile.

She was upset. Which parent won't be ? Chloe is apple of her parent's eyes and never in her entire life she has ever lived without them.

The thought of her getting hurt, scared her but she won't ever become a hindrance in her daughter's success.

"Mom don't worry, I'll be just few miles away, you can come to me anytime." Chloe, identifying the pain behind the words of her mother tried to cheer her up. Natalie embraced her in her arms and smiled shortly.

"Take care of yourself, mom. I love you too." She whispered and snuggled deeper into her mother's warmth.

"I will baby, now go before I stop you." Natalie feigned enthusiasm and lightly pushed Chloe towards the car. Along with her dad, Chloe settled down and gave her mom one last glimpse before Steven drove them away to the airport.

Her eyes were trained outside the window saying goodbye to all the familiar surroundings but with a promise of return.

"You grew up pretty quick, princess." The raspy and manly voice of her dad grabbed her attention as she turned her face and gave Steven her undivided attention. His eyes were trained on the road while driving the car efficiently.

"Can't say anything, dad. A part of me is excited but a part of me doesn't want to leave you guys." Her words made Steven sigh audibly.

He was just as scared as Natalie was but he wants to see her princess unravel the world on her own and become an Independent woman, she always wanted to be.

"Remember when I got you your first bicycle."

"You were so scared to sit on it on your own ? Remember ?"

"Yeah ofcourse dad, how can I forget. You somehow made me sit on it and help me ride it as well...until you left out of the blue and I fell down in the pond." She replied as a laugh followed her voice immediately joined by Steven's.

"You cried for hours and what did I tell you then. Pain is..something like that, you remember...Pain ?" His voice was heavily laced with confusion. But did he really forget it or did he just pretend ?

"Pain And Suffering is Worth it If What Lies on the Other Side is." Steven shifted his attention to her for a fraction of second as a proud smile graced his lips.

Her eyes shined with beautiful realisation as she looked back at her dad and smiled.

"It is worth it , dad. I Love You."

"Love You Too My Princess."

Soon, car came to halt at their destined place and they walked inside the massive industrious building.


"Bye baby. Take care and call us every day. I Love You."

"I Love you and mom too. Take care of yourselves." Steven placed a lingering kiss on her daughter's forehead before the voice of announcer echoed throughout the building and she had to leave.

They knew it wasn't a forever part but still their eyes were moist.

She gave a last glance to her dad and waved her hand. Her father waved back and within seconds her slim figure faded in the swarm of people as her journey to the New York began.


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Stay healthy
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