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Adam, Catherine, Miles, Rick and Sam were all seated on old wooden chairs planning over the best possible ways to abduct Carl Jones from his hideout. All pair of eyes were fixed on the wooden pin board. Upon it was all the necessary information that Adam and his team had collected.

"Security is tight, we have to be very careful." Rick spoke.

"One mistake, and boom-it will be our deathbed." Catherine added.

Sam took his time and assessed all the pictures. He walked closer to the board and stood right infront, folding his arms across his firm torso.

Out of all, his eyes were focused on one of the images, in which, a marble path, leading towards a vibrant red iron gate of a huge mansion perched on the edge of a cliff was visible. The mansion, no doubt, was constructed beautifully. There was a large terrace pool facing the abyss, at the south. A marble staircase connected a roofless sitting area to it. Behind the sitting area, there must be atleast twenty to twenty five rooms on two long floors, overlooking at the abyss through the huge windows.

"Eight at the east, five at the west and inside; no idea." Adam spoke, observing the picture. Sam closed his eyes. A sigh, indicating at his deep thinking strolled through the air.

"I want snipers." He said, turning around. Adam, Miles, Catherine and Rick exchanged a look of confusion.

"Miles and I are experts." Catherine smirked. Sam assessed them from top to bottom, "I like your confidence." He replied, widening her smirk. "I have got a plan."

"Whatever it is, we are ready, just say." Adam stated firmly.

"Alright, so I want Catherine and Miles to find a vantage point amongst the bushes and clean all the men from my way...." He was in the middle of explaining his plan, when Adam interrupted,"-Our way." Sam turned and looked at him with an emotionless stare before turning his attention back to others. "You both will clear our way and keep an eye on the surroundings without getting caught. Rick will wait for us at the extraction point, his doorway in the car. Rest will be upon Adam and me" He explained.

"Seems pretty easy and-fun." Rick smirked.

"Time to kick some butts." Catherine and Miles hi fived.

"We'll manage from here, get some rest. We should get it done tonight." Sam gave him a nod. Adam handed him keys of the car. They all exited the building and parted their ways.

Sam got inside the black mustang. The day was hotter than usual. Car was scorched under the radiant heat waves of the sun. Gazing straight ahead, he ignited the engine and drove along the road. All around, through the windows were cars. With one of his hands, Sam massaged his forehead and grabbing his phone from the dashboard, where he previously kept it at, he dialled Markus. It did not take Markus long to answer.

"Where the fuck are you ?" Markus yelled, as soon as he answered the call.

"Chester." Sam replied monotonously.

"You're in Chester ? When the fuck did you leave ? Screw that. What in the fucking world are you doing there ?" He asked. He was feeling multiple emotions at the same time that seemed to be overwhelming him. He was angry. Certainly. But he was worried and confused just as equally.

"Carl is here under strict security. He definitely knows something and I can't let him escape again." Sam replied while driving efficiently.

"We do everything together. Why the fuck you didn't wait for me. You bastard. I am still alive." Markus rebuked.

"You need rest. I'll call you when the job is done." Sam stated. "Bro..bro..." Markus began but before he could complete his sentence, Sam ended the call.

Shortly after, Sam reached a small house similar to his house at the Queen's Avenue back at New York. It was long and wide two storeys red brick house. Nothing about it was outlandish or attractive. It was just like other houses across the street.

Sam got out of the car and strolled towards the house. Unlocking the door with the key that he found inside the glove box, he entered the house. The wooden floor creaked as Sam walked further inside. It seemed similar to the other houses except that the place heavily reeked of yeasty beer smell. Ignoring the smell, Sam glided up the stairs towards the bedroom. He twisted the knob and pushed the door wide. In the only light coming from the slit between curtains, hung upon a small window, Sam walked towards the bed, visibly soft and comfortable. After placing his gun on the adjacent night stand, he laid down and was soon wrapped in profound sleep.

By and by sun sank lower in the sky, giving way to velvety dark of the night. Sam stirred on the mattress, slowly warming up. He sat up and stretched his arms. Standing up on his feet, he walked towards the bathroom that was yet again simple, functional and devoid of any frills.

After cleaning his face, he returned to the room. Grabbing the car keys, he exited the house and drove back to the hideout. The heat of the day was replaced by gentle breeze. The strength of people roaming down the streets had gone too.

Sam took a turn and reached his destination on a secluded street. He gracefully sauntered inside the dilapidating building. Upon hearing his heavy footsteps, Adam and others turned.

"Everything done ?" Sam asked, his voice was low and could easily send shivers down a common man.

"Yeah. Everything under control." Miles said. Sam gave him a nod and neared the table, where various guns were kept. Sam paused and grabbed an assault rifle, M16, examining it.

"M14 might be better." Adam spoke, out of the blue. Sam turned, "Maybe for you." He replied. Adam immediately nodded.

"Catherine, I want to see some of your moves." Sam stated. Catherine pulled out a chewing gum from the pocket of her shorts and put it in her mouth, then loaded the sniper. Once she was done, she walked out followed by others.

Aiming at the street light at the far end of the street, she pulled the trigger. For there was a suppressor attached there was no noise except for the shattering of the glass of the bulb. She turned, chewing on the gum. Sam still had his emotionless face intact.

He turned to Miles and gestured him to take the gun. Upon handing the gun to Miles, Catherine stood behind him, beside Adam.

Miles exhaled a deep breath and aimed at the street light, opposite to the one Catherine had aimed for. He pulled the trigger and boom, same noise of glass shattering resonated throughout the street. Miles turned and stood beside Rick.

"We will get only once chance. Take your shots, wipe them off. We have to get this done. No matter what." Sam warned. They all nodded and left to get their work done.


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