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Sun had began to shine straight up above the house by the time Sam had woken up from his slumber. He slowly opened his eyes and greeted the daylight. Then, carefully sat upright. His senses were calm and silence enclosed the room. Slowly, he stood up and walked inside the bathroom. He splashed water on his face and washed away the remnants of sleep, thereafter he took a cold shower and changed into a black shirt and trousers of the same color.

His wounds did not seem to hurt him anymore or maybe was it just his weariness that seemed to cause the pain.

Once he was done, he trudged along the floor towards the living room and saw Markus and Chloe chatting and laughing while eating spaghetti, their lunch.

Sensing a presence, they both turned and saw him standing by the window.

"Wasn't thinking you'll wake up so soon." Markus remarked sarcastically whereas Chloe was assessing all his wounds, and certainly she did not like them. Upon hearing Markus, Sam turned, walked by the chair across him and sat down.

Chloe immediately stood up. A frown impressed upon Sam's forehead that got unnoticed by her. She walked inside the kitchen, followed by his gaze and began to heat the pasta for him.

"You could have waited." Markus whispered.

"I couldn't." Slowly, Sam replied. Markus gazed up at him. "Those a**wipes change their location, we don't know when would have we gotten hand on them again. Not that we still got." Markus raised his brow in confusion, "That means ?" He asked.

"That means he was a fu**ing duplicate of Carl."

"Fu**ing great." Markus whispered underneath his breath, just in time Chloe returned with a bowl for Sam and gently placed it infront of him and sat back on her seat. She lowered her head and focused on her food. She did not want to be rejected over again.

Sam didn't avert his gaze from her for a second and bit on a spoonful of her hand cooked spaghetti.

In that brief moment, he regretted for all the times that he had declined to eat the delicacies she cooked. Just one spoon was all he had eaten, and flavours; savoury and spicy burst upon his tongue and he craved more of it. Chloe had a look of surprise registered on her face but within few seconds, her lips curved up into a smile. Meanwhile, yet again Markus had a grin plastered on his face suggesting at his beautiful thought.

They all finished their food in a peaceful silence and then gathered around the sofa.

"I'll be back." Hurriedly, she spoke and moved towards her room while Markus and Sam seated themselves comfortably.
Only few minutes had passed when she returned with a first aid box in her hand.

"Who is that for ?" Sam asked raising his brow and having an idea of the answer.

"Who else is all beaten up and not covered with bandages ?" Markus countered rhetorically.

"I am just fine." Sam spoke.

"It will prevent your wounds from getting any infections. Please." Ever since he had return he was feeling strange around her and her being so polite and gentle wasn't helping his situation. He sighed and nodded. She smiled and began to clean the wound that was present on his left arm. Not for a moment his eyes flickered anywhere else than her.

After she was done, Markus and Chloe indulged into chit chats with Sam being a part of them occasionally.

"I am gonna hire you as my personal chef." Markus joked.

"Haha I am flattered but I'll pass." Chloe replied.

"I'll pay you good." Markus smirked perkily.

"Still." She replied. The smirk was wiped of his face and now a playful frown adorned his features. Chloe laughed at his antics while Sam silently observed her. Markus noticed the slight change in his behavior and decided to give them some lone time.

"Anyways, now you both carry on. I am gonna go and take my beauty nap." He uttered and got up to leave.

"Good night." Smiling, Chloe whispered. Markus responded her with a peace sign.

The moment he left, silence enveloped them. It wasn't exactly awkward but nor was it soothing.

She wanted to ask him about everything that had happened but at the same time she did not want to provoke him. She peeked at his direction and found his eyes closed and head gently resting  against the headrest.

He looked so calm as the spring. She laid back with her eyes trailed onto him. She knew there was so much about him to admire, be it his tousled hair or his perfectly carved face or his built body but yet her heart ached perceiving that this calmness is short lived and his stressed, angry and annoyed self will return. She badly wished that she could be the the one he could share his troubles with. In these few days, she might have not been able to figure out answer to other questions but one thing she had realised is that she feels something for him. She couldn't really describe it but it certainly was a strong sense of affection and care.

Her eyes were fixed on his face as she was lost in her deep thoughts.

"What do you have to say ?" Out of the blue, Sam questioned and immediately opened his oceanic orbs to catch her sapphires. She flushed red upon being caught staring and lowered her head, "No..nothing." She whispered. A sigh of disapproval leapt his mouth and travelled across the air. He leaned forward and folded his arms across his laps.

"Say it." He repeated as calmly as he could. Sam noticed her surprised expression before she masked it with a smile.

"Di..di..did you find him ?" He exhaled a deep breath and shook his head.

"Ohkay." She replied and they both fell silent again. Few minutes had passed and none of them spoke until Chloe stood up, "I am going outside, would you like to come ?" Sam gave her a nod and carefully stood up.

They closed the door behind them and began to take a stroll amid the trees. The sun had sunk down beneath the tops of the huge trees and was illuminating the greens of the grass and vibrant colours of the fresh flowers of the spring. Chloe deeply inhaled the earthy smell of the woods.

As sam and Chloe walked further broken branches creaked underneath their feet. They couldn't go so far because the house was built beside a cliff but the view from the top was mesmerizing.

They stood side by side and watched the cinematic view of the forest, huge trees danced in the evening light, sounds of birds chirping, insects humming and animals rooting in underbush could be heard all over the place and yet somehow the place gave a sense of peacefulness.

"It is so peaceful, isn't it ?" Chloe asked, facing him. "Yeah." He whispered, turning his head in her direction.

For a short while they stood their in a comfortable silence watching the sun sinking lower and lower before they decided to return.


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Stay healthy
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