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Chloe squirmed on the soft mattress of velvet and woke up with a splitting headache and a body stinging as if poked repeatedly with the needles. Grimacing in pain, she slowly opened her eyes. First, to come in her blurry vision was a plain dark greyish-black ceiling. Massaging her forehead, she slowly sat upright.

"Where am I ?" She mumbled to herself, filled with trepidation. Her heart was throbbing loudly as her eyes scanned the unfamiliar surroundings.

As she observed, she saw everything in the room was bathed with dark colors, from the black walls to the black duvet she was previously covered in. The only notions of light were the lamp on the nightstand and feeble beams of the moon, entering through the lone window. Strong smell of rubbing alcohol lingered in the air, she examined her body and saw her bandaged arm. 

"Where am I ? Who were those men ?" She blinked several times and tried to come up with anything, but she got no clue.

Her internal whirlwind of confusion and questions subsided quickly as she heard distinct footfalls. Her brain woke up within seconds, as a primal surge of adrenaline she jerked up, but her bruised body opposed and she ended up wincing in pain. Somhow she collected herself and reached out for the lamp, as a weapon she could defend herself with. Just as she was about to grab it, a deep and smooth voice boomed inside the room.

"I wouldn't have done that, if I was at your place." He said. She froze on the spot, her hold around the lamp loosened as fear gripped her. In the gloomy darkness, she carefully turned around. Ahead of her, was a man no more than a silhouette. She couldn't make out his facial features but his prominent muscles and built body was enough to intimidate her.

"Who–who are y–you ?" She asked, trying to mask her fear with confidence but failing miserably. He exhaled a deep breath and walked further inside, his raven hair illuminating under the radiant moonlight.

"Markus Hayes"

"Why–why would you abduct me ?" She asked softly, taking a step back.

Before Markus could answer her, another voice came from behind him, and a man walked inside, beside Markus and into her sight.

"So innocent." Scornfully, he said, but to her, his presence foreshadowed his voice. In that moment, her brain seemed to have gone on pause, her pupils dilated, allowing more lights to pass through them as she realised who he was.

"Wh–what are you doing here ?" She asked, stunned by his presence.

"Listen to me, very carefully, it's me who's gonna ask questions and you'll be the one answering, honestly. Not the other way around. Understood ?" She lowered her gaze and nodded.

"Good. So, here's your first question—who were they ?" He asked vengefully,

"Who–are you talking about ?" She asked, her palms turning clammy and  sweat glistening on her forehead.

"Those men who tried to kidnap you. Who were they ?" Markus asked calmly, folding his arms across his torso.

"I don't know" Puzzled, she voiced, louder than she'd expected. Markus looked at Sam, who had his gaze fixed on her. He was smoldering with rage, that was corrupting his sense of comprehension into one of suspicion. He stepped closer to her, enough that she could hear his heavy breathing and see the fire in his eyes.

"Don't test my patience, I know who you are. So, let me rephrase that for you. Who–do you work for ?" He asked and walked by the window.

"I don't understand, what you're talking about." She spoke, nervously. Her glance darting around. Sam inhaled a deep breath, and turned towards her, as if looking for answers.

"You leave me with no choice then." He said, and aimed his gun at her. She instinctively stumbled back, her eyes widened, beads of sweat trickled down her forehead and mingled with the tears, she was holding in her eyes.

On the other hand, Markus seemed calm, as if knowing something, others didn't.

"Now tell me, who do you work for" Sam asked.

Though her heart was pounding, like exploding bombs, she roughly wiped away her tears and stood strong.

"I don't know anything you're talking about. All I know is that–that after I saw off my friend, a man disguised as a–a delivery boy came and–and attacked on me. I tried to fight back, but he was much stronger than me. That's it. That's all I know and I remember." She stated confidently. Her gaze fixed with his.

"Hey" Markus called. Sam turned. Marcus beckoned Sam to follow him outside. Sam gave her one last look, before lowering his gun and trailing behind Markus. Chloe slumped on the floor, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What is happening ?" She croaked out.

Sam and Markus walked in a spacious living room. It was painted quite same as the room before, but it's fore wall was filled, left to right, with glass window yielding breathtaking view of the greenery outside. 

"What is it ?" Sam questioned. Markus shook his head, running his fingers through his hair.

"Look bro, I dunno why, but I have this feeling, that she's telling us the truth." He said. Sam sighed and averted his gaze.

"I don't think so. If she is telling the truth, then why the hell, will someone try to kidnap her until they fear, she knows something we shouldn't know."

"I agree with you bro, that can be, but you know, there's one thing you're missing."

"What ?"

"What if they—I don't know, wanted to use her as a bait."

"Come what again ? You lost it ? Why would they use her as a bait."

"What what ? I mean, maybe–jus–just maybe those a**wipes think that she is with us or more so—with you." Sam's expression changed at the speed of greased lightening, he didn't utter a word, and for a moment, he was just staring at him.

"He certainly lost it." He reckoned

"What ? I am sane." Markus said, as if he read his mind.

"All I want to say is—you know, we don't hurt innocents, and I don't want you to do anything, you might regret later."

"I wasn't going to shoot." Sam replied, having an idea of the hidden meaning behind his words.

"I know buddy. Take some rest, you need it. I will come by later. Those officers are still to be taken care off." He smiled, placing his hand over his shoulder. Sam gave him a nod.

Markus neared the door and glanced back at Sam, who was still standing in the middle of the huge room, with eyes closed.

"Bro" He called.

"What is it now ?" Sam replied.

"It all can be a misunderstanding, a big one. A web of coincidences, leading her into this mess, and no one can understand that better than–you." He said and walked out of the door, closing it silently behind him.


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