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Chloe curled up on the bed and pulled duvet over her long, clothed legs. Her eyes were trained on the black wall ahead. Her mind was crowded with tons of unanswered questions; suffocating her with their presence.
Who were those men ? Were they gonna kill me ? Was he going to kill me ? Or was he just threatening me ? Who does he think, I am ? Who was he talking about ? Moreover, who is he ? The voice in her head whispered constantly. Her thoughts were like a carousel, moving in a circular path, no closer to conclusion than the start.

For hours, she fought the sleep that was pooled on her eyelids, it was half past midnight, when her weary body gave up, her mind went into a free fall, dragging her away from all the chaotic thoughts into the state of oblivion.

Shortly, the vibrant sun rays began to light up the day. Chloe stirred on the bed. She hesitantly rubbed the remnants of sleep away from her eyes and slowly walked towards the en-suite bathroom. It was as she had expected; dark, functional and devoid of any frills.

She winced occasionally while  cleansing her face. Her face was still bruised, with bluish-purple marks on her forehead. Once she was done, she thought of taking a shower, only then did she realise that she had no cloths to change in. She sighed.

"Should I ask him for help ? Or should I not-" She mumbled, looking at herself in the mirror. "But I can't stay in this hoodie anymore. Okay ! So, I'll request him to get me some clothes from my hou.... Wait a second. Oh My God ! How can I forget." She dashed out of her room, towards his room but was stopped in mid track by a deep and sensual voice, she could recognise even if anaesthetized.

"Trying to escape ?" He questioned. She gulped and slowly turned about.

"N– I–I just wanted to talk." She replied.

"What is it ?"

"The house—it was left unlocked when those men ab—came there. It isn't my house and I—cant afford theft."

"That's it ?" Assessing her expressions, he asked.

"Uhm—I–need some cloths, and–could you please make sure—if my neighbours are okay ? They might have been at the same place—last night." She added last part in barely audible voice.

"You know what ? You should learn to be a little aware of your surroundings." He said looking in the direction of the sofa, she followed his gaze and saw her bag beside it.

"I'm sorry." She mumbled lowering her head. "About your neighbours, they're fine." He said, walking past her towards his room.

"Don't–you think, my sudden disappearance—can create suspicion amongst people" Softly, she asked. It was her way of asking another question without provoking him.

"You don't need to worry about that." He stated nonchalantly. She looked up at his stony face, as if searching for a hidden meaning behind it but she found nothing. "And listen to me very carefully–" In an instant, his voce hardened. "–you're gonna stay here. You're free to do anything. But remember one thing, if you tried to play any tricks on me, then believe me, I'll make sure it will be your last." With these words, he left. A sudden surge of coldness coursed through her veins. Her mouth hung with lips slightly parted. She was too stunned to move.

When she finally turned, her eyes fell on the adjacent huge window. Within seconds, gloominess vanished from her eyes and was replaced by amusement. She moved closer to the glass with a small smile playing on her lips. In the cold gust, trees were dancing rhythmically. Though she couldn't hear any sound. She knew it by the way; they advanced, retreated and swirled, that they were dancing onto the enchanting symphonies of the woods, sheltering every kind of life, from entrancing birds of every shade to ferocious wildlife.

"I don't know what mess I have gotten myself into, but I want to." She whispered, still gazing at the wonderful sight. Just in time, her stomach rumbled turning her cheeks pink like a spring rose and surfacing the shyness and sweetness within her.

"I should freshen up first." She spoke in hushed tones and moved back to her room.

Meanwhile in the city, Markus stepped inside the Damon's office. Damon, who was working on some files, looked up.

"Hope morning is treating you well, son." He said.

"Ofcourse, father. Is everything okay here ?"

"Yes, for now everything is good." He stood up. "It's just that—we have an arms shipment to make. I want you to go and inspect it. Eric will accompany you." Damon stated.

"Alright, I am on it. Anything else ?"

"No, son" He gave him a nod and left.

Back at the house, after taking a quick shower, Chloe had changed into a pair of black trousers along with a white top. Her damp hair, that cascaded down freely on her back seemed like the hues of the woodland; like the barks of trees kissed by the fine droplets of rain, rich and dark.

She walked in the kitchen. Yet again, it was dark, covered with sombre brown and black tiles. However, the glass window that allowed sunlight to enter and provided a serene view of outside was enough to brighten up her mood.

She checked the refrigerator, it was stuffed with fresh vegetables and other food items. She settled for omelettes and took out few eggs. After chopping some vegetables, beating and blending the yolks; she oiled the pan, cooked breakfast for both of them and transferred it to the plates.

"Now, a little bit of seasoning" She mumbled and sprinkled a dash of salt and pepper over them. "Done." She smiled. One can tell by it's aroma that it was cooked to perfection.

"Now, who is going to serve him ?" She spoke, looking down at the decorated plates. She strolled back to the living room and espied him standing by the window, with a towel wrapped around his neck. He was wearing a blue shirt, clinging to his body for dear life along with excellently tailored black pants. Sensing a presence behind, he turned and caught her eye. She blushed crimson and lowered her head.

"I will be in the garage." He said, looking at a shutter through the window.

"I have cooked breakfast—for us." was her reply.

"I am not hungry." He spoke and stormed out. A scowl etched her face.

"His bad." She whispered to herself and had her meal.

In the garage, Sam oiled the engine, then ignited his car. Engine sparked to life, the whole garage resonated with its deep growl.

He hopped out of the car when his phone rang.

" Yes Father." 

"Son, Markus has been attacked"


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Stay healthy
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