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It was the last week of October. The night was colder than any other before. The sky was darkened with ash colored clouds and the ground was it's damp and foggy reflection.

Fourteen year old Sam was very excited for his fifteenth birthday, unaware of the events that were going to change his life forever.

"Woah mom, I am gonna be fifteen in next few hours and soon I'll go to highschool....Wow." He said, reclining on the sofa, that was placed in the centre of a medium sized living room with black tiled floor and peach colored walls.

"Ofcourse honey. You're growing up so fast." Replied, his mother, Susan Williams, a beautiful middle aged lady with teak brown hair and bluish green eyes.

Sam glided by her mother, baking his favourite chocolate cake, and hugged her from behind, "You always work so hard for me mom. One day I am gonna make you proud." She turned, after wiping her hands in the apron, she placed her palms on his cheeks and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, "I know you will." She said and resumed her work.

By and by, time passed they were done with their dinner and it was around eleven in the night. Sam couldn't sleep cause of the excitement and since it was sunday, the next day, they were enjoying the night together, talking about her work life at Margaret's Daycare, a place where working couple usually drop their little kids so that they can be taken care off in their absence. It was a descent job as she was easily able to pay their bills and since Sam was on a scholarship in a quite renowned middle school, she didn't have to worry about his fees for the time being.

Their chat carried on for a while with Sam telling her a few stories of famous kids of his middle school and soon, the clock hit 12:00 AM.

"Happy Birthday, my love."

"Thank you, mom. I love you." She smiled, "I love you too." Sam cut the cake and celebrated his fifteenth birthday night with his mother. They were about to go back to their bedrooms when they heard a knock at the door. They frowned.

"Who could it be so late ?" Susan muttered to herself.

"Maybe days, whenever he comes, this is his only time." They heard the knock again. Cautiously, she neared the door and peeked out of the peep hole. Indeed, it was Ryan Miller, Sam's father. A man with disheveled light brown hair, hazel brown eyes and stoic body.

"Where's he ?" He questioned, in a deep  voice, just as she opened the door. A look of hurt crossed her face upon looking at the man she loves selflessly and still couldn't be with anymore.

"Sam." She called out slowly and stepped aside for him to enter. He walked inside the house and saw Sam standing by a staircase, that lead up to his room.

"I got you a present, son." He said, forwarding a small box, wrapped in gift wrap.

"I don't want it. Go away."

"Sam...." Susan scolded.

"It's okay. I'll leave. I am sorry, son. He said. "I know you cannot forgive me, son but I still hope you might." After keeping the present on the table, he walked out.

"Ryan...." Susan breathed out. "He is your dad." She said to Sam. "He left us." Sam countered while she ran after her  husband in the cruel darkness of night.

Sam plummeted down on a stair, bringing his knees to his chest, he hid his face in between as hot tears wet his face.

After sometime, he slowly stood up, walking towards the table, he kneeled down infront of the present. For a moment, he contemplated whether he should open it or not and finally decided to take a look. Wiping off his tears, he unwrapped it and found a small photo album along with an envelope there in.

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