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Another day passed in blur and the new dawn arrived. Chloe served their breakfast and joined Markus and Sam on the dining table.

After having their breakfast in peaceful silence, Markus said, "I am going to the campus. You guys wanna come ? I can use some relaxation" Sam rolled his eyes, aware of his meaning and denied. Markus turned to Chloe and saw her wearing a confused expression.

"It might seem scary from outside but it's luxurious from the inside." He told her.

"I am fine here." She smiled.

"As you wish." Although a part of Markus thought that they should stay together to avoid any threats, he felt a sudden flare of hope as he realised by spending a little more lone time with Chloe, Sam might accept his feelings.

"Bye." Chloe waved her hand. He smiled at her, then left with a black Hayabusa parked inside the garage.

Once he left, Sam reclined in his seat and closed his eyes meanwhile Chloe cleaned the kitchen and returned to sit across him. As much as she tried not to, she ended up ogling him with rosy cheeks.

"You love staring at people, don't you ?" Quietly, he whispered without even opening his eyes. Her blush deepened and she turned into a shade of early morning sun. " was..I was just checking your...wounds." She told him the half truth, looking through him, then at her fidgeting hands, knotted in between her laps. Sam opened his eyes and looked at her. He watched, and noticed her flushed cheeks. As much as his mind wanted to deny, his heart accepted that she looked and was angelic, pure as the driven snow.

She slightly lifted her head and peeked at him. She caught him looking at her yet it was she, who blushed over again while his lips curved up into a tiny smirk. He observed her bruises, from the faint bluish purple mark on her cheeks to the another one on her upper right arm. His jaws tensed as he blamed himself for her condition.

He believed that people can pretend to be genuine and kind but tough times show who they really are, and after knowing her for about a month, he could tell, without any doubt, that she was dragged into all this cause of that one night. Exhaling a deep breath, he stood up.

"You wanna go for a walk ?" He asked. Her head shot up. He simply asked her for a walk but butterflies inside her stomach fluttered as if he had asked her out. "Su...sure." Smiling, she replied.

They walked side by side peacefully while the gentle breeze caressed their skin.

"So you want to start your own cafe. Hmm ?" He asked, turning his head to look at her. In surprise, she stared at him. "Is he actually having a conversation with me ?" She thought.

It was only after a few seconds passed, she realised she didn't answer him.

"Yes. I do." Her lips twitched up while her eyes crinkled at the corners.

"You'll do great." He whispered, with no emotion reflecting on his face but his eyes said many unspoken words. She knew how badly she wanted to achieve her dreams. However, upon hearing it from him, her soul flooded with a newly discovered joy.

They glided by the bench to sit when, fortunately, Sam saw few men nearing the top of the hill. His senses shifted on alert. Instinctively, his hand reached to Chloe's stomach, as he backed himself and her against the wall.

"What happened" Fearful, Chloe whispered. "Shhh..." Was his reply. He watched them coming up and walking towards the door with pistols in their hand. He pulled Chloe with her towards the garage and hurried to the window by it's side, that was shut but not locked.

"Get inside." Quietly, he told her. She did as he said. After her, he plunged inside as well and locked the window. His black mustang was parked inside. He told Chloe to hide, taking the cover of the car and himself walked closer to the shutter, trying to hear them. He heard the sound of door being kicked opened, then he returned and crouched next to Chloe.

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