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After a long thoughtful day, Chloe was sitting on her couch, watching T.V. and eating a chocolate chip cookie, she had purchased from a small bakery down the street. She didn't understand why was she even watching the movie. She didn't laugh when she was supposed to, she didn't feel mad, when one certainly would have been. She just sat there, nibbling on her cookie with her eyes fixed on the moving pictures.

"It's so boring" She finally gave up, after what seems like an hour and decided to cook something delicious for herself.

No matter how hard she was trying to take her mind off him, she was unable to. Her mind was constantly playing scenes of yesterday night like a movie of it own.

Just as she stood up, she heard the door bell.

"Was I expecting someone ?" She mumbled to herself, her brows furrowed in confusion. She walked towards the door, peeking out of the the peep hole, she saw Priya standing at her doorway.

"Hey Priya" Chloe greeted her immediately after opening the door.

"Hey, Chloe" She replied.

"Family outing ?" Chloe asked, as she looked at her outfit and perfectly made up face.

"Yeah, Luke ( Priya's husband ) is taking us out for a movie and then dinner.

"Wow, that's great, have fun."

"Yeah will sure do, by the way, could you please watch over our house in our absence ?"

"Oh of course, don't worry." She replied and saw Chris taking slow step towards them, with red cheeks.

"He is so cute." She thought as a lovely smile spread across her lips.

"Hello Chris" she cooed to him.

"Hello" he replied in his soft baby voice, looking down at his feet and kicking an invisible stone.

"You look so handsome." She spoke,  kneeling down infront of him and holding his hand. He flushed deeper shade of crimson and ran away towards his dad.

"Seems like my little boy got a crush" Priya laughed, followed by Chloe. "

"Gotta go. See you later, take care" Priya waved her goodbye. 

As soon as their car was out of her sight, she saw a white van coming from opposite direction. It stopped just few metres away from her house and had a name imprinted on it : HENSLEY DELIVERY SERVICES.

She ignored it and walked back inside.

One step, that's all she had taken when bell sounded again. She huffed and peeped outside. A man wearing white shirt, blue jeans and blue cap, with the mark of same company was outside. 

She concluded him to be a delivery boy and cautiously opened the door.

"Hello ! How may I help you ?" She politely asked the red headed and green eyed man.

"Interesting question, and the answer is by Co-operating" he said with an evil gleam in his eyes.

She gulped, unable to comprehend the meaning behind his words. She stepped back, her minded clouded with the unknown.

Man seemed strong, his motives, wicked. She turned around to flee but was yanked back harshly by fingers wrapped around her hair. She screamed in pain. Man roughly put his hand across her mouth.

"Just co-operate, it won't be that bad." He whispered in her ear. Wrapping another arm tightly around her waist,  he began to drag her to the van. She whimpered, as a piercing pain shot across her body while her nose filled with the musty smell of her abductor. She struggled to release herself from his hold, only to make his hold tighten. She tried to kick him, but all attempts proved to go in vain. Her muffled whimpers and winces echoed throughout the street but there was no one around to help her.

Another man, who was previously sitting behind the steering, jumped out of the van and opened the back doors. His eyes, guarding the area, saw a black car moving in their direction, still at a reasonable distance. 

"Quicken up your pace, moron" he yelled at the one holding her and threw her inside like a mannequin, as soon as her body came in contact with the hard surface, another series of pain crept from her abdomen to head and seconds later, her world went black. In hurry, men shut the door and revved off the engine.

Half blinded by the headlights, Sam chased the van, speeding down the street towards the road. One of his hand clutched the wheel while other one changed the gear violently.

The man, driving the van took a frantic turn, that lead the vehicle in the middle of the road, glistening with the glowing lights of the huge buildings and crowded with the cars. He was driving like a madman, in between the gaps, trying to lose thier chasers.

Brakes locked, tires screeching and with engine growling at the speed of eighty miles per hour, Sam followed the van, breaking all the traffic rules, and attracting unwanted attention.

"Hell, we got friends." Markus said, as he saw flashing blue - red lights of the standard white and black painted police vehicle trailing close behind them.

"Stop your car, This is NYPD, I said stop your car."

Despite the police car speeding towards them, Sam was calm, weaving through the traffic, with his eyes focused on the van.

Van took another unexpected turn, other drivers braked hard around them, and drifted along the road, cars crashed. In an instant, the road was in chaos, distracting police from their wild - goose chase.

"Holy Sh*t" Sam cursed as he pressed the break in haste, the vehicle swerved off its path and lead them infront of a truck, rushing towards them at a high speed. It was as impossible for it to stop as hell to freeze over.

"Fu**ing shit." Markus uttered, his hand instinctively clutched the handle above his head.

Time seemed to have slowed down for them. Adrenaline pumped through their bodies, functioning of their brains seemed to have increased, their each step determined their chances of survival.

Sam was seconds away from losing control over the car, when he redirected it, missing the truck by inches and steered the vehicle in the direction of the van.

They successfully escaped death and  the pursuit of police for the time being and followed the van into a series of narrow streets.

Sam neared the speed of ninety mph, and then hundred, both vehicle ran side by side. Man sitting beside the driver, aimed his gun at them and shot at the side window, glass cracked, it couldn't hold more than two or three bullets . Markus flinched least by it, instead, he took the opportunity and shot the man in his head. His body went limp, as his head fell on the arms of the one, driving the car. Man lost control over his vehicle and kicked the brakes immediately. Van stopped few inches away from the point.  The man got out of the car and kneeled down on the ground.

"I am— I am sorry, I–I didn't want to do it. They—they forced me." He spoke, breathing heavily.

"Who– are they ?" Sam asked him meanwhile Markus checked upon her.

She was still unconscious. Her arms were bleeding. Her face had purple stains all over, from her cheeks to her forehead.

"She is bruised but alive." He told Sam as he walked next to him.

"They'll kill me if I told you." Man said.

"And we'll kill you, if you won't." Markus stated.

"It's–it's–" he said and in next moment, a horrendous noise tore across the street. It all happened in a flash, in a blink of an eye.

Sam had shot him. It was when the man tried to reach out for his gun, they realised that he had one hidden underneath his jacket.

At the same time, they heard wailing of sirens and caught few scared people witnessing the crime scene, that was certainly gonna haunt them for a long time.

"We gotta move, it’d be easier that way." Markus said. Sam nodded.

Sam carefully carried her to his car, laid her down in the back seat and drove off to a safe place.


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Stay happy
Stay healthy
Stay tuned !!

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