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A gun shot resonated throughout the building, and stroke the ground centimetres away from Markus.

In shock, Markus jerked away, catching a quick glimpse of the direction that the bullet came from, fourth floor, all three of them ran for cover under the building.

"Is he Eric ? What the fu** is he doing with them ?" Surprised, Adam blurted out.

"Yeah that's him." Lewis interjected."
"I'll take him. Keep a watch on him." Markus uttered in haste.

"Right." Adam responded. Upon hearing their conversation, Lewis said, "Hey, listen, I know, what I knew was only part true. And I wanna make up for my ignorance, so, let me help you."

"For her. I will do it." Lewis added.

"I'll take care of this bas**rd. They would have come to know about our presence. Cover for Williams. I'll join both in a few." Markus said. Adam nodded in understanding and handed a gun to Lewis and they sprinted by the edge of the wall. Two men came running in their direction, whom he killed with ease and moved ahead, slowly and cautiously.

Meanwhile, Eric came running down the stairs, outside the building, just as he exited the building, Markus caught him by surprise and put his shoulder into him, pushing him along the ground he slammed him against the iron gate with great force. Eric grunted in pain as the gun loosened from his hold.

"You're still here." Markus said through gritted teeth, holding him by the collar of his shirt. Within seconds Eric overcame his pain and kneed Markus in his stomach. Markus groaned.

"I couldn't back off an opportunity." He said, and charged at him. He threw up his forearms, aiming for Markus' face but Markus slipped to right, caught him by handful of air and banged his nose with his knee. Eric grimaced in pain and rolled off in the ground.

"I couldn't have put Seth's life on top of the others.

"Fu** yourself, you bas**rd."

"Tell me..tell me....if it were Williams, wouldn't you have gone in there to save him." Anger rose in Markus like a tide, recalling the events of Memphis Hiest, everything was going good under Markus' leadership. They held all the people inside the bank as hostages, no one dared to call the police upon watching those lethal metal weapons in their hands. Their job was quick; fill the bags and get out. However, everything went downhill when a woman, owner of a small cafe suspected something wrong with the untimely bank closure and called the police. Upon hearing police sirens, they all rushed from the back gate on their bikes, however, while chase Eric's older brother, Seth was shot and he fell down the vehicle. As much as, Markus and others wanted to save him, they just couldn't.

"I will and I never stopped you from going back." Markus replied. Eric spitted blood, breathing heavily, he said, "So why don't you just shoot me ? Go ahead."

"You can still return." Markus said and turned to leave, thinking that Eric might change his mind but he did not let his guard down and shot Eric right through his heart, when he tried to reach out for his gun. Giving him one last glance, he rushed by Adam.

By the time he reached, Adam and Miles had cleared the ground except for Clara and the three men behind her.

"Huh ! I knew, you were lying." Rhetorically, she said, looking at beaten up Sam.

"Let him go." Markus stated.

"I'll rather have you next to him."

"Then you'll die."

"Clara, end all this. You don't have to this."

"Right !! so now you're against me. Why ? Cause I locked you in a room." Lewis let out a shaky breath remembering on how he ended up in that room.

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