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Old wooden floorboards creaked as Sam and Markus walked over them. Screams, cries and wailings echoed through the halls while a burning scent lingered in the atmosphere. Cigarette and tobacco smoke, they recognised it as.

Sam tried to reason what could be so important that their father, Damon Esposito, could have called them halfway through their training for today's fight.

They passed through old rusty windows and ascended on a gloomy staircase that opened onto a narrow hallway with long and narrow cabins on either side.

They entered in one of the cabins, different from the others. It was huge. Sunrays peeked through the high windows and provided light to the dark room. A heavy rectangular table provided necessary distance between them and Damon Esposito, Boss of the The Mafia.

"You called for us, father ?" Markus asked in his deep intimidating voice.

"Yes my Dear Children." The man in his mid 40s replied.

Creases impressed on his forehead indicating at his deep thinking. His brown eyes were red underneath from the anger he was holding back. He took a sharp intake of breath and massaged his wrinkled forehead.

He threw few images on the table infront.

"Carl Jones" Markus uttered grabbing one of the images."What did he do ?" He added.

Carl Jones, a local thug who works only for money. He has no conscience. No relations. Money is his life. He works for the highest offer and has loads of professional goons working under his command.

"He sent his men to steal drugs worth 100 million dollars from our last shipping." Damon spoke. His voice resembled the calmness before the storm.

"What ? Are you sure is it him ? I mean, why would he take enmity with us ?" Markus further questioned, confusion heavily lacing in his voice.

"Money" Ever since their arrival it was for the first time Sam had spoken. His voice was deep, husky and manly.

They nodded acknowledging his words.

"You're right son but...that's not it. Our men captured one of his men in a pretty nasty condition."

"He betrayed them for life."

"As the man told us, just a pawn. There is definitely someone else .. someone lurking in the shadows and keeping an eye on our every move."

Silence masked the room as they all tried to come up with a name as to who could it be. Are they survivors of any gang they had slaughtered ? Or is it any new gang with power and resources ? List of their enemies was quite long and they couldn't settle on any one name.

"I want my money back...with the name of the person he did it for."

"You'll get it." They both said in unison and left.

Once they were out of his sight, Damon exhaled a breath of relief. It wasn't for no reason he called them his best men. They completed any assigned work with perfection.

Sam walked towards his car with Markus close behind.

Five years had passed, since Markus had introduced Sam to Damon. If it wasn't for Markus to be present at the right place, at the right time, Sam would have been long gone.

From that moment on, they always had each other's back and gradually, their bond strengthened.

He revved of the engine of his car and shortly they reached a straight, greyish-black road with a white line running down from the centre. The black of the road had begun to blend in the darkness of the night.

There were few street lamps across the road flickering lights over some men scattered here and there like crushed insects while others were sabotaged by local thugs and gangs for their motion sensors, it's how they loaded their arsenal.

Most of the buildings were dilapidated for centuries. Upon seeing them, it seemed as if they could collapse anytime.

Sam pulled off the car infront of a familiar, direlict building as it looked from the outside. Two men, that roamed around the street guarding it walked by the car.

Their hands instinctively went by the holster attached to their belt as they clutched the gun, ready to shoot at any threats.

Sam and Markus got out of the car and were immediately confronted by the two men.

"Devil and Hayes. We didn't expect you, pals. What brings you here ? One of the two buffed men with the name of Joshua Maionne asked.

Burning rage consumed their body as those men pretended to be innocent. Like an erupting volcano it demanded release in the form of unwanted violence.

"Where's Carl ?" Sam questioned, his voice dangerously calm indicating at his call for the truth.

"We..we don't..know" the other men, Phillip Matera replied. Fear that lingered beneath his words couldn't be ignored.

"Does it look like I am in a mood of play, Phillip ?" A shiver curled through the hairs on back of his neck then cascaded down his spine.

"Hon..honestly we..we don't know, he hasn't return after the robbery." They finally uttered the truth for dear life.

"You both were nice guys." were Sam's last word before two gunshots echoed throughout the abandoned streets.

The bullet spat out of his gun and hit the men in their chest, propelling them back before they hit the ground. Red in the darkness was visible.

Markus, in shock, turned to Sam.

"Why did you kill them ?"

"When bulls fight, grass suffers." He stated and walked back to their car. Markus gave one last glance to the dead bodies and followed him.

Gang members ran towards the gunshot but it was too late, their car had already faded in the darkness of the night and all that left was two dead bodies consumed by the red.


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