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"Lui, (Lewis) gets on my nerves a lot with his nicknames." Chloe whined.

"Nicknames are actually cute, dear." Michael replied, his eyes focused on the road ahead as he drove the car.

"Really, Mr.Michael, he calls me Chloe The Candy. That's cute ?" She huffed.

"No Chloe, that's sweet." He said, with a smile.

"I am not talking to you, you're taking his side."

"Okay, okay, I am sorry, I am on your side." He spoke, trying to suppress a laugh. She smiled in victory and watched outside. She'd seen several nights and days of New York City but that night was darker, puffs of grey cloud had swooped into the air, trapping the stars and moon.

It wasn't the comforting darkness, she loved. It was the eerie darkness that sank into the marrow of one's bones.

"Weather is peachy tonight." Chloe uttered as the wind greeted the window with a powerful passion.

"Yeah" he replied, and just then his cell phone sounded.

"Give me a minute." He spoke. Chloe nodded. He parked the car at the side of the wide Avenue, breathing through trees and homes. As Chloe observed, she watched, his expressions change from cheerful to worried.

"I am on my way." He said and ended the call.

"Is everything okay, Mr.Michael ?" she asked, concerned.

"My daughter—she is sick. My wife, Sara told me she is curled up on the bed and shivering violently." Panicked, he told. His grip around the steering tightened, pupils dilated in anticipation of the worst that could happen.

"You should reach your home asap." Chloe replied and put her hand softly on his shoulder as a token of her sympathy, and then stole quietly out of the car.

"It's late night. I can't leave you in the dark alone. Sit, I'll drop you first." He replied, but sense of urgency foreshadowed his voice.

"It's just few minutes walk from here. I'll go. Please reach your home asap and if you need any help, dial me."

"O–okay ! Thank you dear. Be safe." He said and revved off the engine.

She stood erect,prayed for safety of Michael's daughter and marched towards her house. Blocks passed in blur, no one seemed to be out that night.

Apart from the street lamps, glowing in the dark night and her all that seemed to exist was the chilly wind, robbing her of the heat faster than her body could replace it. She clutched onto her white blazer tightly, trying to secure every ounce of warmth she could. Just when she thought everyone was cuddled in the arms of their loved ones, she heard a loud intimidating voice. She froze. Her senses shifted on high alert. Her heart began to pound like it was going to crack a rib.

Across street, in a dark alleyway, Sam threw repetitive punches at a man, backed up against the wall. Bloody spit was drooling from his slack jaws. He was moving like a puppet on string.

"You fu**er, you thought you could escape." Sam said, holding him in place by gripping his hair.

"Now, this is the last time I am asking you. Who—do—you—work—for ?" His voice, stern and dangerously calm. Man gulped, forecasting the consequences of his next words.

"I won't tell you." He replied. Sam took a sharp intake of breath. His eyes were laced red with anger.

"Fu**ing tell me" He shouted and threw a fatal blow at him. Man shut his eyes in fear. But before his fist could meet the man's face a low yelp caught their attention.

Chloe's hold on her wallet loosened. The wind that seemed mild infront of the violence before her eyes caught her hair, blowing them in toward the trees behind while she stood rigid - like a statue, Sam had held her in place with a cold stare. Even in the darkness of night, he could see her trembling body.

He released the man from his firm grip and took slow steps towards her. His footsteps echoed sharply in the deserted alley.

"What are you doing, here ?" He asked, his jaws clenched. All rationality left her mind. She remained fixed on her spot, her watery eyes trained on him.

"Answer me." He moved closer. She jerked back, fuelling his anger.

"Why—why are you hurting him ?" She asked softly, ignoring his question.

"That is none of your damn business." He retorted. She flinched at his tone. He grabbed her arm and drew her closer. It wasn't the touch that provided warmth in the cold night, it 
was the type of coldness that reaches into the bones, paralyzing them.

"Listen to me very carefully, I am giving you one chance to run away, don't look back and forget you saw anything." His voice was so calm, that alone intimidated her.

But she couldn't leave a man to die. Her beauty was underestimated, her beauty was more of her heart than her face. She peeked over his shoulders, and her eyes went wide.

"Behind you." She yelled, but it was too late, man stabbed Sam in his back just above his iliac crest and scurried off through another narrower, darker alley.

"He stabbed you."

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