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Chloe peered out over the window. After a stormy dark night, greyish -white clouds dominated the morning sky with occasional blue speckles. The earthy after rain scent lingered in the atmosphere while cool breeze greeted her by a gentle touch on her face. As she watched, she saw red, yellows and orange intertwined with the cloudy sky.

She moved downstairs to her kitchen and decided to prepare some pancakes.

Everything was uncluttered; utensils on hook, neatly folded tea towels on granite counters and a beautiful flower pot with pink and white tulips near a window. She watered them and brushed the petals gently with a small smile playing on her lips."

"Rebirth, that's what you symbolise. Don't you ?" She said to a closed bud, preparing the batter.

"After winter's rasp, comes the fresh buds of spring, you, being one of the first. You come, like the hope, sparks of warmth into the lives of many, help them heal and give them a chance to stand again." She mumbled, and flipped the pancakes.

"Now, you must be thinking, how silly of me is it to talk to you, when you cannot reply to me. But you know what ? In this moment, I don't want an advisor. I want a listener and I know, you heard me. So, Thank you for listening to my emotions in the pure silence." She smiled and turned the stove off.

She called for another cab while plating a stack of pancakes with honey and berries cascading from the top. She covered the plate with a cloche and exited her house.

Of all, her gaze travelled to one of the red-bricked, two storeys house, currently dampened by the fine rain.

"God ! Please be his mood nice." She prayed.

Upon reaching, infront of his house, she hesitated to press the bell, after the way he ignored her last night, she was feeling abandoned and dejected, but in her mind, his words repeated like stuck records. Almost whole night she was pondering over his behaviour, but she couldn't come up with anything to justify it. 

She took a deep breath and finally pressed the bell. No response was the response she got. She pressed the door bell again. Fortunately, she saw the door knob twisting, the heavy door swung open and in her view came – Sam, with a frown on his forehead.

"What do you want ?" He questioned, too calm to believe. She had to blink several times before realising, that she wasn't hallucinating.

"I–I brought you breakfast" She spoke. He looked down at her hands and then back up in her eyes.

"I don't want it, now walk away." He replied and folded his arms across his torso. She lowered her head and remained still on the spot.

"He has to be hard." She mumbled to herself and gazed back at him.

"Take it and I'll leave." She spoke firmly. His frown deepened, and to her, he looked more intimidating than he already was. It was unnerving and his penetrating stare wasn't helping either.

"Oh really ? Why are you so concerned about me ?" He questioned, stepping closer to her. Like a stranded fish, flapping desperately on the shore, gasping for air, she repeatedly opened and closed her mouth, but nothing came in her mind.

"I-I don't know." She replied meekly. He inhaled deeply and pulled away.

"I don't need it." He said and turned to close the door.

"Bu– alright atleast tell me how are you ?" She asked in haste, before he could close the door. He looked her dead in her eye.

"I am fine." He uttered and slammed the door shut.

Her heart ached, feeling so lost. She had this feeling that he was much more than his tough facade, and that there was something, hurting him but what, she didn't know.

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