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Chloe trudged along the pavement at a slow pace, she watched her feet, her heels clacked on the ground underneath, that seemed to resonate throughout the street.

Upon reaching infront of his house she hesitated to knock.

"Should I press the bell ? What if he is asleep. He did come late."

"I should perhaps come later.
No wait ! What if he comes late again. I won't be able to introduce myself. I should do it right now. I don't think he will mind."

At the other side of the door, Sam slammed his fist and kicked into the punching bag, unleashing his fury against it. His face was rigid, jaws clamped. His head was pounding, a dark purple bruise lined his knuckles. It looked painful still his face was void of any emotions.

Even after brutally injuring his opponent yesterday night, he was vengeful. He was dwelling over his failure. He was mad at himself and his anger won't subdue until he finds that person.

The burning sensation in his throat forced him to stop. He grabbed the bottle and pressed the cool rim against his dry cracked lips. A single drop followed by others traced their way inside his mouth.

He glided by the bed and laid down in an attempt to relax himself. His mind wandered to everything he had gone through, the way he ended up in this World away from his dreams.

Before, his thoughts drove him crazy, door bell rang.

He jerked up and on impulse, reached out for his gun.

For others a doorbell may sound cheerful, an announcement of a friend but to him it was no more than a step away from a gunshot ready to tear him apart.

He took slow and cautious steps towards the door and peeked outside. He watched a feminine figure standing in his doorway with her back facing his door.

Adrenaline coursed through his body as a survival instinct, he violently opened the brown wooden door and at the speed of lightening, pulled her in and cornered her near the entrance.

"Oww .. oww .. oww .. What are you doing ? Leave me." Chloe whimpered.

"Who are you ?" He asked. His voice was fierce and domineering.

Pain takes over a portion of her brain. Her body turned clammy, cold sweat matted her forehead.

"Who are you ?" He asked as he pinned her harder against the wall. She winced in pain.

" I .. I'm. I'm your new neighbour. I just .. just came to say hello. Please leave me. It hurts." She choked on her words. His hold around her wrist visibly loosened.

As soon as he let her go, she straightened herself and notices how her wrist turns into a nasty smudge of purple.

She slowly turned around to look at her attacker. A well defined torso was first to come in her view.

"The man is definitely fitter looking than I had expected." She thought.

She lifted her gaze and gaped openly as she observed his prominent cheekbones and sharp jaw obsecured by a thin beard.

On either side of his straight nose was a pair of two mesmerizing deep ocean blues fringed with coral greens. His graceful dark brows were currently furrowed in a frown. A long jagged scar curled just above his right brow. It was rough and pale. Whatever had caused the injury had never been stitched or treated.

Despite the scar he was still handsome. Underneath the damaged skin was a structure of God. All of it was adored by his tousled dark brown hair.

Before she could look away with shyness Sam caught her eye. In that moment, her body flush warm.

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