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Upon waking, It took Chloe a moment to erase sleep from her mind.

Once she gained her senses back she realised, the darkness in the room complemented the darkness outside.
She switched on the lamp, the murky room brightened up immediately.

The fatigue of journey had begun to seep out of her. She stretched her limbs above her head and yawned.

The gleaming numbers of the clock on nightstand said, 9:00 pm. It has been five hours since she had arrived to the Skyscraper city.

Slowly, she got out of the bed, her legs dangled over the chestnut brown carpet as she walked towards the bathroom.

Chloe washed sleepiness away from her face and walked back in the room. Her stomach growled, she grasped her stomach and tried to silence the rumbling.

Grabbing her mobile, she dialled the nearest takeout.

"Hello, Thank you for calling Smith's Takeout. What would you like to order ?" A sweet feminine voice asked.

"May I please order a small- margarita pizza and coke ?" Chloe questioned politely.

"Of course, please provide us your address." She told the lady her address and thanked her.

"I'll have to go for grocery shopping tomorrow." She mumbled to herself as she hung up the call.

To distract her mind from the hunger she decided to have a look outside.

The black night sky had married to the poetry of stars. It was that friendly blackness that allowed her to feel at home. Chloe sat by the window and enjoyed the silence. No noise could be heard except for her soft breaths and the fan propelling against the ceiling.

Her gaze wandered around. Red- brick terraced houses were build across the narrow tarmac street. There wasn't a single soul out there.

She rested her head against the window and was busy in stargazing until she heard a high pitch squeal and in surprise, jolted back in her seat. Sound came from the house beside. From what she heard, she concluded it to be a voice of a child, who seemed to be very excited. A smile etched her face.

She closed her eyes, letting her mind fill up with the images of her parents.

She immediately grabbed her phone and called them.

"Princess" She heard her dad say as soon as the call connected. Her smile seemingly widened.

"Hey dad, What's going on ?"

"It's so quiet here without you." Steven replied, gloominess coated his words. She didn't say anything but in her heart she was feeling the same.

"Where's mom ?"

"I am right here, sweetheart" She heard sweet voice of her mother.

"I miss you both so much." She finally blurted out.

"We miss you too, princess"

"And wait, did you eat ?" Natalie asked.

"I have ordered Pizza."

"Pizza ? It hasn't been a day and you're up with your unhealthy eating habits huh." Natalie sighed.

"Mom, I still have to go grocery shopping. I was just sleeping all day. I was so tired." She told her mom honestly. Natalie sighed again and dropped the conversation there.

"Sleepy head, you're prepared for the first day of your job ?" Her dad asked.

"Slightly nervous but I'll manage." She replied enthusiastically.

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