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Sun began to sink lower in the sky, taking away with it the little light peeking through the tall trees and bringing one chaotic week to end.

The air was cool and was smelling strongly of wildflowers. In the fading light, chirping of crickets and buzzing of mosquitoes could be heard everywhere.

Outside the house Chloe was sitting on a bench, admiring the view when a cute fat hare jumps out of the bushes infront of the garage, and just sat there grazing the grass. A huge grin spread across Chloe's rosy lips as her beautiful blue orbs shone with amusement. She slowly stood up and tip toed towards the brown rabbit and grasped him in her arms. He squirmed in her hold, fearful of his life. Chloe pulled him closer to her chest and began caressing his fur. He seemingly relaxed. Chloe smiled.

"You're so soft." She said, looking into his ink black eyes.

Sam sauntered out of the kitchen with a half eaten sandwich in his hand and at once his gaze fell on her. She had the rabbit sitting on her lap, while brushing his velvety fur. Sam stood by the window chewing on the last bite, his strong muscular arms were crossed against his chiseled, glowing torso. In the cool breeze, her brown locks blew over her face. Her lips were curved up in an adorable smile. Sam was staring at her with a neutral expression at his face; no suspicion, no admiration. He sighed and gazed up at the sky.

Only the faintest light shone through the leaves. Sam knocked at the window, her head snapped towards him. For a moment, he was taken aback by the warmth and admiration her eyes held. To him it seemed as if it was her eyes, scattering nascent rays and preventing everything from being engulfed by the darkness, he despised.

Within seconds, he composed himself and gestured meaningfully at the house. She gave him a nod. Half-heartedly, she lowered the rabbit to the ground, just as she let go of him, his fluffy tail bobs up and down and he runs away. Dusting her cloth, she got up and strolled back inside.

She threw a quick glance at the wall clock before turning her attention to him.

"I will be in the room if you need me." Chloe mumbled, looking down at her fidgety hands and walked past him.

"Chloe." He called. His voice wasn't exactly soft but was no where near dominating. A flush of pink had arisen in her cheeks as she slowly turned around.

"Ye-yes" Softly, she replied. He stepped closer to her, standing just a few steps away from her.

"Sit." He said, beckoning at the sofa. She nodded too nervous to say anything without stuttering. He followed her and sat down the opposite side.

"What were you doing there that night ?" He asked. She raised her head, and looked intently in his blue oceanic eyes; so deep and mysterious.

"I-I was-returning back from the work." Politely, she answered.

"At the middle of a night ?" He raised his brows.

"It is the closing month of the company, so there was a lot of work-"she began and explained everything; how, after Michael getting a call she had to unwillingly walk down the street alone and then how, she met him.

"-Rest you know." She whispered. Sam leaned back on the sofa and exhaled a deep breath while running his fingers through his hair. Chloe was just sitting there, admiring everything about him, from the way his brown locks curled around his finger to the jagged scar, she always found so attractive. Part of her wished she could touch and feel it, but she knew she couldn't. She let out a small shaky sigh and lowered her head.

"Do you have any idea, who were those men, who tried to abduct you ?" She shook her head in negative. "Are your sure ?" He insisted.

"Yes" She replied.

"In that case, they were there cause" Sam said. Her head shot up, as a frown masked her forehead.

"Are they....are they the same people-who hurt you both ?" Innocently, she questioned.

"Possibly" Markus said, standing by his door frame. On seeing him, Sam immediately rushed by his side. Frown disappeared from Chloe's face at the speed of lightning and was replaced by a gentle smile.

"I thought you needed rest." Sam remarked as they flopped down on the sofa.

"I was bored as fu-" Markus peeked at Chloe, who had her gaze fixed on him already, "fudge." Sam gazed at her and noticed how gracefully her lips curved up.

"Why are they trying to hurt you ?" Out of the blue, she asked.

"Cause they want us dead." Replied, Markus. Her eyes were as wide as possible, and staring at him without blinking.

"What ?" Markus uttered.

"Why do-they want to ki...kill you ?" She asked, consumed by fear.

"Do you know what underworld is ? Sam questioned. She turned.

"Ga...gangs and all-that. I have-seen it in the-news. They hu...hurt people.

"We are one of them." Sam said nonchalantly. For a brief moment, it seemed as if the World stopped. Their gaze were locked. Words weren't spoken. She was rendered speechless. A feeling of disorientation surged through her body. Her bowels churned.

"You-you-you're jok-joking. Right ?" She asked Sam, and turned to Markus. Their face held gravity. She abruptly stood up and reeled backwards, away from them. They stood on their feet as well.

"We won't hurt you. Chloe." Markus said, looking in her watery eyes.

"Don't double-cross us and don't trust no one." Sam added. She turned to him and a lone tear escaped her eye.

"You won-won't hurt me ?" Unsure, she asked.

"No" They both said, "Now go back in your room and take some rest." She gave him a nod and walked away. Sam unblinkingly stared at her, until she was out of his sight.

Chloe collapsed on the bed, yet again her mind was swarmed with questions. Should I trust them ? Will they surely not hurt me ? They haven't but why did he say not to trust anybody ? Did it include them ? God !! I don't know what to do. If she was given a dollar per question, she would have definitely become a millionaire by now.

She laid down, and closed her eyes. Soon, with her arms about the pillow, she was wrapped in a profound sleep.


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