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"I am on position." Catherine whispered through intercom, hiding amongst the bushes at the edge of a hill that gave a scenic view of north-east side of the bunglow. "On position as well." Miles said, as he laid down and toggled the spotter scope at the south-west side of the bunglow. His dark green shirt was acting as a camouflage in the bushes.

Sam, Adam and Rick were sitting inside the car at a reasonable distance from the main entrance of the bunglow so as to not rise any suspicions. "Roger, got it." Adam replied.

"I can see that scumbag Carl, in the first room, near the pool. I have four men in sight. On the roof–two on my twelve, one at ten and the other one at two. Should I hold fire or announce our presence ?" Dramatically, Catherine asked.

"Hold. Miles, give me a reading." Authoritatively, Sam said. "I see three." Miles replied.

"Catherine, Miles" He called.


"Engage." Catherine and Miles smirked and aimed simultaneously at their targets. "Here we go" Miles uttered and pulled the trigger. Bullet flied out of the muzzle and into the air with great speed. As it was pushing through the air with that speed, it got closer and closer to the target. Until the moment when it stroke the man's head. Man fall off the roof. Upon hearing the loud thud, guards were alerted. They were looking around desperately in an attempt to find the attacker, but little did they know Miles and Catherine were masters of stealth. One of the men on the roof top alerted others.

"We have been attacked.
We have been attacked." He yelled. Around twenty to twenty five armed guards marched out and secured the perimeter.

"Woo, headshot." Miles cheered in undertones. "Watch me." Catherine said, and targeted at a man who was running down the stairs in hurry.

"Too bad you'd not be able to pee one last time." Catherine remarked, aiming at his head. "Steady, steady, steady and—" She pulled the trigger. Bullet hit the man's head and next second, his limp body rolled down the remaining stairs. Startled, man by the stairs ran to take cover but was shot by Catherine before he could.

"Wohoo. I am the best."

"Yeah, yeah.." Miles shrugged. Together, Miles and Catherine were clearing men one by one.

"We have got their attention, Your way is clear. Now is the time." Miles notified Sam and others. Grabbing the opportunity, Rick pulled off infront of the main entrance.

"Our turn." Adam said, inhaling a deep breath. Giving him a nod, Sam cocked his rifle and walked inside through the gate. Sam had his rifle aimed ahead while Adam guarded his back. Slowly and subtly they were halfway through the marble pavement when a gunshot that nearly hit Adam echoed around.

"Two attackers by the gate." That man yelled through the walkie talkie in his hand.

Adam and Sam turned right, their eyes spotted the man trying to take cover against a pillar. Within minutes, around ten armed men came out of the rooms. They were all loaded with assault rifles and 9mm handguns. Adam and Sam crouched by the boundry of a small garden, that was planted at an elevation of around three to four feet.

The swirling darkness of the night  was frightening even though the bunglow was illuminating with thousands of lights, and on top of that, those men fired blindly in their direction. Having no idea where they were firing, Sam and Adam fired back and had put five men to their death beds. Adam peeked and saw more men coming.

"This will take forever, they'll keep coming." Adam said. For a moment Sam thought, then said, "Hold fire." Adam had a look of confusion but he did as Sam had said. Men kept firing until few minutes later, they stopped, thinking that Sam and Adam were dead. Adam turned to Sam.

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