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After about two hours drive, Sam, Markus and Adam and his team reached Philadelphia.

They stopped by a gas station, where everyone got out except for Sam.

"I still think it's a terrible idea." Markus said, leaning on the window.

"Just find her parents." Markus sighed and gave him nod. They seated themselves in a black jeep and drove away, taking road opposite to Sam.

Shortly Sam reached a broad avenue in Harrowgate, he turned left and reached the huge campus of The Luciano Cartels.

Meanwhile, Catherine and Miles rushed to the tops of different residential buildings situated at a reasonable distance from the campus where as Rick dropped Adam and Markus a little closer to building, two avenues across the campus. The campus as it seemed from the outside was much like an old, abandoned school, worn out with the passage of time.

As catherine and Miles toggled the scope of their snipers , they could see a few men on the roofs.

"Three." Said, Catherine through intercom, watching over the back of the campus.

"Two." Miles replied.

Markus and Adam were aware, carefully, under the guidance of Catherine, they made their way to the back side of the campus through narrow alleyways.

From the viewpoint of Miles, front of the campus building was visible, as he watched, he saw Sam getting out of the car with his hands raised up in surrender. Some men, aiming their guns at his head, neared him. He kicked at his knees, he stumbled and kneeled down on the ground, those men yelled something he couldn't hear but Sam's action made it clear that they told him to cross his hands at his back. Thereafter, they handcuffed him.

"They fu**ing handcuffed him." Miles said.

"Keep an eye on him, we'll have to get to him soon." Markus replied, urgency was evident in his voice. "Clean the terrace."

"Yeah." They replied. Usually, Catherine and Miles were chill people, it was visible in their antics but today, even they seemed pretty stressed out. One mistake and everything they worked for could go in vain.

"On count of three, 3....2....1" Miles said, and the five men watching over from the terrace were dead, in a matter of seconds.

Upon getting clearance from her, Markus and Adam climbed a not so tall concrete wall, fencing the campus and entered inside, a man standing there saw them but before he could shoot, bullet from Catherine's gun penetrated his skull.

Adam quickly threw his body, in a waste container.

"All the best, you both." She said, as they entered the building from a window. No one was in their sight, it was as if they were all interested in watching Sam kneeling down infront of someone.

Burning midday sun shone relentlessly over him, sweat had dampened his body still he didn't move a muscle, his eyes still held a gaze, just as fierce as a lion.

Breaking the deafening silence that lingered in the air, "So you're here." Clara's voice resonated throughout the campus. Sam steadied up on his feet. Her men immediately aimed his gun at him. She signalled them to lower their guns and so they did.

"I am here, now let them go." He said.

"I don't remember calling you alone." She countered, dismissing his words.

"They have nothing to do with this. You want revenge take it from me. Let them go." They held each other's gazes, anger and hatred floated in their eyes and none of them made an attempt to try and conceal it.

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