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In the perfect darkness of the midnight, moon graced the clear and starry sky. Warm milky glow of the moon travelled through the night with ease, lighting the path for Sam, driving Markus, him and Chloe to their destination.

From a distance, as Chloe watched, she saw their campus building nearing. She turned her head, and looked ahead at Sam, "Why....why are we....going there now ?" She asked, thinking that he had lied to her and was going to leave her there.

Upon receiving no answer from him, she turned to Markus, sitting on the passenger seat. Sensing her eyes on him, he spoke, "Chill we just need some equipments."

"Okay" She replied and visibly relaxed.

Shortly, he pulled off in the campus.

"Get out of the car." Sam stated. In surprise, "But.." she trailed off but was cut by him, "We are gonna go by that car....." He said pointing at a black SUV infront of them. "..Now hurry up and do as I say." He commanded. She gulped and immediately got out. Walking towards the other car, she silently sat down in the back seat. Sam got out and headed towards the building. Markus sighed and followed him.

Passing through the murky hallway, they reached Damon's cabin and knocked. The middle aged man allowed them to go inside.

"We'll be heading now." Sam told him. Damon rose up from his seat and neared them. Placing either of his hands on the shoulders of Sam and Markus, he said, "Alright son, be more careful this time." They nodded and headed to the other cabins to collect a pair of two way radios and a tiny spy bluetooth earbud. It was so small that it could easily miss anyone's eye.

Chloe, who was sitting with her arms folded under her head, resting against the window, straightened up as soon as she saw them coming over.

Car door opened with a clack and both of them seated themselves. Sam turned around and handed her one of the two way radios.

"You see anything, you tell me with this. Alright ?" He told her. Her heart was filled with trepidation but she had made her mind. "Yeah." She replied. "Good." Sam whispered and revved off the engine.

Anxiousness gripped her like a mother holds her newborn, keeping him safe within her arms. In a situation like that, for a person like her, feeling anxious was natural. It was like a defence reaction, that would keep her alert and safe.

After about half an hour drive, Sam turned the car right, leaving the broad road, having cars running over it and reached an abandoned, blacktop street. Chloe looked around her, dilapidating buildings and a few street lights was all she could see. There was no one far away in sight.

He stopped the car, across a building.

"Be hidden and alert. That's all." Sam reminded, watching her through the rearview mirror. She nodded in acknowledgement.

"All the best, Chloe." Markus smiled, giving her a thumbs up. "You too." She whispered. "Once we are out, I am gonna lock the car, so no one could get inside. You understand ?" He told her, and reasoned his actions so confidently that she had to believe that he was actually doing it for her safety and not because he lacked trust. "Yes."

After that they exited, locking the car behind.

Sam and Markus entered the same club where Sam had a fight few days ago. Similar to that night, club was electronic. On one side, music was bursting through the speakers and people were dancing like crazy whereas on the other, people were gathered around the fighting ring watching over two buffed men fighting for their lives.

Sam and Markus took seats by the bar.

"Two Beers." Markus ordered. "Sure" The bartender replied. Meanwhile they both  carefully watched over the men and women, trying to find their informant when a hooded man began to approach them.

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