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Somewhere in Philadelphia, Eric made his way inside an old building. Halfway through, a muscular man came into his view, who narrowed his eyes at him.

"Where's the boss ?" Eric asked.

"What are you doing here ?" The man responded with a question of his own.

"Somethings went downhill, I'll have to talk to her about that." The man nodded. After checking him for any signs of weapons, he said, "Come with me."

They walked through the narrow hallway, on the way, passing the obsolete and useless equipments that seemed to be at home within the dust coated grey walls. Sunbeams were peeking in through the gaps and broken windows.

Their steps resonated in the solitary space as they glided down a hidden staircase. In an instant, the environment transformed. The old, dusty floor turned into a wooden parquet flooring and the walls, into the shade of red with shiny golden baseboards.

Shortly, there feet came to halt, infront of a brown door.

"Boss, Eric is here to see you." The man said, as he knocked at the door.

"Send him in." A feminine voice, vibrating with power and dominance came from the other side. The man beckoned Eric to move in. He gave him a nod and pushed open the door.

He scanned the room with his coral greens. It was a huge office, painted in a shade of maroon. A huge desk was in between with a swivel chair by his side, currently turned around and facing an almost floor-to-ceiling picture of an elderly man, his eyes were storm generated waves, and held a gaze as fearsome as a tiger. A cigar hung from his lower lip, a puff of smoke escaping from corner of his mouth was perceptable.

"Why are you here ?" Same voice questioned.

"Things messed up, he did not die." He replied. A sigh of disappointment streamed through the air as chair swirled and a woman, more specifically Clara stood up in a dark suit. Stunning, will be the nearest word to describe her looks.

Her eyes were a pair of sapphire blue gems, enclosed by piercing greens. Auburn colored waves rolled down her scalp, enhanced by rusty ombre highlights. With her high cheek bones and perfect physique, she could get any men weak at their knees, and many did try on her, thinking what harm could possibly be a beauty like her do ? But within minutes, they were either dead or castrated. Little did they know, she is a trained assassin, a killer.

"One job you had. And you couldn't even do that." She stated, her voice so calm that one would suspect the presence of anger underneath.

"Before I could execute the plan. He stopped infront of a store. Fu**er lied and sneaked on me. He found out and I had to take the chance. I thought he'll die-but"

"Enough" Her voice roared. "I don't want fu**ing excuses." She walked closer to him. "You disappointed me, but more so you disappointed him." Suggestively, she whispered in his ear. Rage built inside him. His veins swelled out, waiting to explode. Clara sensed the sudden stiffness of his muscles and smirked.

"I'll give you one more chance to make it upto him."

"Meanwhile, find that girl." He gave her a nod, "Leave." She said. He scurried out.

Once he was out of his sight, Clara moved infront of the same picture.

"Very soon." was all she said.

Back in the New York, Sam laid on his bed, yet again thinking about her. He wanted to believe her but he knew the risk that came with it. Lies could be told and trust could be broken.

He had always waited for dawn to arrive, for a new day to come but now that it's knocking at his door, his past is preventing him from opening the door to his heart. Unlocking his phone, he clicked on a photo of a woman, perhaps in her mid-thirties. For a minute, he kept gazing at the image of the smiling woman and next moment, he jolted up and strolled towards the room of Markus. He barged in, Markus who had his head resting against the headrest, with closed eyes, looked up.

"You won't let me rest, would you ?" Sam shrugged and slumped on the bed.

"I think I'll give her a shot." He told her.

"What made you change your mind ?"
Sam exhaled a heavy breath.

"Just as much things are against her, they're in her favour too. I know it's never easy for me to trust people-" Sam speaks when Markus cut him in between with a sarcastic remark
"Yeah poor you. I had to take a fu**ing bullet for you to trust me, sometimes I wish to punch you in that perfect face of yours for that, but I refrain myself." His ( Sam ) lips curved up in a small lopsided smile. Markus smiled too.

"Anyways, so what do we do now ?" He questioned.

"We protect" Sam replied.


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