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Car came to halt infront of an old, abandoned building. Sam got out and so did the man. Their footsteps resonated throughout the empty streets. They stepped inside the building, beakon of it's age. Noise of water dripping somewhere, created a hollow pinging sound impossible to ignore.

There were no walls, parting the huge ground floor and the looming emptiness and the barrenness of the whole place was enough to scare anyone.

"Where're the others ?" He asked the man. Before he could answer, an overjoyed masculine voice echoed around.

"Devil, long time no see buddy." Sam turned and saw three men and a woman stepping down a rickety staircase.

"Adam" Sam uttered, precisely looking at the man with chestnut brown hair and green eyes, standing in the middle of the others. Adam nodded, acknowledging his presence.

"So how have you been lately ?" Adam asked.

"Fu**ing messed up." Nonchalantly, Sam said. Adam sighed.

"I guess by finding him, we reduced some of your burden. Didn't we ?" He uttered.

"I want to know everything you found out about that scumbag. Right now."

"Okay, but before that meet my team. He is Miles–" Adam said pointing at a man with sea blue eyes and jet black hair, at his right. "–Catherine." He said pointing at the woman, with ebony brown hair and cobalt blue eyes, at his left. "–and you've already met Rick. He said pointing at man, next to Miles, with reddish blonde hair and forest green eyes." They all gave him a nod and so did he.

"He is keeping strict care of his security but nothing we can't get through." Adam said, walking towards the stairs. Sam stopped and turned to his side.

"That fu**er will die from my hands." He said, his eyes were rigid and cold. Adam slowly nodded and they resumed their walk.

They climbed up the stairs and reached the first floor. Sam scanned the area, it was huge with no doors seperating the rooms. The building seemed as if it was abandoned before it was finished. The only light source were the few boarded windows, throwing strips of light on a white board placed at the right corner of the room. It was filled with some  photographs and notes.

On seeing it, Sam stepped towards it. Different images of a man with ink black hair and black eyes were pasted over it. In all those photos, he was surrounded by atleast five heavily built bodyguards, that were definitely carrying lethal weapons. Adam spoke, gravely and low, "We know his location, we know his security. Now you make a plan." Sam smirked.

Back at the house, as the time passed Chloe's restlessness grew. Her legs were tapping the floor underneath rapidly as her gaze darted to the door that refused to open up and reveal him. Safe and sound. Chloe walked towards Markus and silently stood beside him. A minute or two passed when she finally asked, "Why don't you ask someone about his location or something ?"

"He is in Pennsylvania." Markus said, exhaling a deep breath and looking out of the window. Chloe's brows furrowed in confusion. She turned and looked outside as well. Her orbs were focused on the beautiful and enchanting forest ahead but her mind was on him.

"Father texted me that we found a lead." Markus said, Chloe looked at his face, void of any emotion but his midnight black eyes were fearful.

"Father ?" Confused, she uttered.

"Our boss." She gave him a nod. "That a**wipe couldn't wait for me." He said, anger evident in his voice.

"He wanted you to be safe." She tried to calm him down, but her attempt seemed to have backfired, "Safe ? Keep me safe ? What about him, he's impulsive and if he did anything wrong I won't be there to..." He yelled. Chloe instinctively stepped back. On realising, the harshness in his tone, Markus rubbed his face and closed his eyes, "He should have waited for me." He whispered. Chloe gulped and put her hand on his shoulder.

"I know you're–you're worried but he's gonna be fine–" She said "–he has to be." She added in undertones. "You should take rest." Chloe said. He nodded. She helped him in walking back to his room and then strolled towards her room.

Adrenaline coursing through her body had shut her ability to think rationally. At that moment, all she prayed was for him to stay safe. She laid down and looked up at nothing but the pure white ceiling.

All the moments, from their first meet up till yesterday night rolled off infront of her eyes like a flashback.  Red infused her cheeks as a small smile graced her lips. Unconscious to the abundance of her feelings that overwhelmed her and drove her crazy. She folded her hands and closed her eyes.

"Please keep him safe." She prayed. 


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